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EHP 2004 Children's Health Issue
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Children's Health Mini-Monographs

Children's Health Mini-Monographs consist of up to seven manuscripts that address a specific topic and may include original peer-reviewed research, perspective reviews, or a combination of original research and review.

Mini-Monographs go beyond the limits of the traditional reviews by providing insights and depth of coverage that a traditional review article cannot.

The current Children's Health Mini-Monograph includes:

Assessing Risks in Children
Daston et al
Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 112, Number 2, February 2004

In recent years there has been an increasing focus in environmental risk assessment on children as a potentially susceptible population. There also has been growing recognition of the need for a systematic approach for organizing, evaluating, and incorporating the available data on children's susceptibilities in risk assessments.

Table of Contents

The Children's Health Mini-Monograph Archive contains Children's Health Mini-Monographs previously published in EHP.