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Program Description

In brief, The Current Employment Statistics (CES) Survey is a monthly survey of business establishments which provides estimates of employment, hours, and earnings data by industry for the nation as a whole, all States, and most major metropolitan areas since 1939. This section focuses on the State and Area data. The CES survey is a Federal-State cooperative endeavor in which State employment security agencies prepare the data using concepts, definitions, and technical procedures prescribed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


Technical Note on CES Employment

Definitions. Employment data refer to persons on establishment payrolls who receive pay for any part of the pay period which includes the 12th of the month. Persons are counted at their place of work rather than at their place of residence; those appearing on more than one payroll are counted on each payroll. Establishments are classified in an industry on the basis of their principal product or activity in accordance with the most recent North American Industry Classification System Manual.

Method of estimation. The employment data are estimated using a "link relative" technique in which a ratio (link relative) of current-month employment to that of the previous month is computed from a sample of establishments reporting for both months. The estimates of employment for the current month are obtained by multiplying the estimates for the previous month by these ratios.

Annual revisions. Employment estimates are adjusted annually to a complete count of jobs, called benchmarks, derived principally from tax reports which are submitted by employers who are covered under state unemployment insurance (UI) laws. The benchmark information is used to adjust the monthly estimates between the new benchmark and the preceding one and also to establish the level of employment for the new benchmark month. Thus, the benchmarking process establishes the level of employment, and the sample is used to measure the month-to-month changes in the level for the subsequent months.

Seasonal adjustment. Seasonally adjusted payroll employment totals for states are computed by aggregating independently adjusted series for supersectors. Revisions of historical data for the most recent 5 years are made once a year, coincident with annual benchmark adjustments.

Caution on aggregating state data. State estimation procedures are designed to produce accurate data for each individual state. BLS independently develops a national employment series; state estimates are not forced to sum to national totals nor vice versa. Because each state series is subject to larger sampling and nonsampling errors than the national series, summing them cumulates individual state level errors and can cause significant distortions at an aggregate level. Due to these statistical limitations, BLS does not compile a "sum-of-states" employment series, and cautions users that such a series is subject to a relatively large and volatile error structure.

Reliability of the estimates

All estimates from a sample survey are subject to sampling and other types of errors. Sampling error is a measure of sampling variability--that is, variation that occurs by chance because a sample rather than the entire population is surveyed. Survey data are also subject to nonsampling errors, such as those which can be introduced into the data collection and processing operations. Estimates not directly derived from sample surveys are subject to additional errors resulting from the special estimation processes used. The sums of individual items may not always equal the totals shown in the same tables because of rounding.

Employment estimates. Standard errors associated with 1-, 3-, and 12-month changes in employment for Statewide supersectors and for total nonfarm at the MSA level can be found at Information on recent benchmark revisions for states is available upon request.

Additional Information More complete information on the technical procedures used to develop these estimates and additional data appear in the BLS Handbook of Methods, Chapter 2. and Employment and Earnings, which is available by subscription for $53.00 a year from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402 (telephone 202-783-3238). Estimates of labor force, employment, and unemployment estimates for all states, metropolitan areas, labor market areas, counties, cities with a population of 25,000 or more, and other areas used in the administration of various Federal economic assistance programs are provided in the report, Unemployment in States and Local Areas, which is available monthly in microfiche form by subscription from the U.S. Government Printing Office for $23.00 a year. The order number for a subscription is 029-001-81003-2. Information in this release will be made available to sensory impaired individuals upon request. Voice phone: 202-691-5200; The Federal Relay Service: 1-800-877-8339.


Data Uses

CES estimates are among the earliest economic information available to analyze current economic conditions. Because of this, CES estimates are heavily used in both the private and public sector. Below is a short list of some of the uses for CES estimates:

Private Sector

  • To guide decisions on plant location, sales, and purchases;
  • To compare your business and the industry or economy as a whole;
  • To negotiate labor contracts based upon industry or area hourly earnings and weekly hours series;
  • To determine the employment base of States and areas for bond ratings;
  • To detect and plan for swings in the business cycle using the average weekly hours series;

Public Sector

  • To evaluate the economic health of State and areas;
  • To guide monetary policy decisions;
  • To assess the growth of industries;
  • To forecast tax revenue for States and areas;
  • To measure employment, hours, and earnings as a means of determining growth in the economy;

Related Research

Shipp, Kenneth W. and David M. Talan, Geographic Estimates from the Current Employment Statistics Survey, 41st Regional Science Association International Meetings, Niagara Falls, Canada, November 1994.

Scott, Stuart, George Stamas, Thomas J. Sullivan, and Paul Chester, Seasonal Adjustment of Hybrid Economic Time Series, American Statistical Association, Toronto, Canada, August 1994.


Metropolitan Area Concepts and Standards

The accompanying lists present the titles and components of official metropolitan areas (MAs). The U.S. Office of Management and Budget defines MAs according to published standards that are applied to Census Bureau data. Three lists concern areas designated by the OMB as metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs), consolidated metropolitan statistical areas (CMSAs), and primary metropolitan statistical areas (PMSAs). A fourth list presents information for New England county metropolitan areas (NECMAs).

The general concept of an MA is that of a core area containing a large population nucleus, together with adjacent communities having a high degree of economic and social integration with that core. Currently defined MAs are based on application of 1990 standards (which appeared in the Federal Register on March 30, 1990) to 1990 decennial census data. These MA definitions were announced by OMB effective June 30, 1993.

Standard definitions of metropolitan areas were first issued in 1949 by the then Bureau of the Budget (predecessor of OMB), under the designation "standard metropolitan area" (SMA). The term was changed to "standard metropolitan statistical area" (SMSA) in 1959, and to "metropolitan statistical area" (MSA) in 1983. The current collective term "metropolitan area" (MA) became effective in 1990. OMB has been responsible for the official metropolitan areas since they were first defined, except for the period 1977 to 1981, when they were the responsibility of the Office of Federal Statistical Policy and Standards, Department of Commerce.

The standards for defining metropolitan areas were modified in 1958, 1971, 1975, 1980, and 1990.

Defining MSAs, CMSAs, and PMSAs. The current standards provide that each MSA must include at least:

  • One city with 50,000 or more inhabitants, or
  • A Census Bureau-defined urbanized area (of at least 50,000 inhabitants) and a total metropolitan population of at least 100,000 (75,000 in New England).
Under the standards the county (or counties) that contains the largest city becomes the central county (counties), along with any adjacent counties that have at least 50 percent of their population in the urbanized area surrounding the largest city. Additional "outlying counties" are included in the MSA if they meet specified requirements of commuting to the central counties and other selected requirements of metropolitan character (such as population density and percent urban). In New England, the MSAs are defined in terms of cities and towns rather than counties.

An area that meets these requirements for recognition as an MSA and also has a population of one million or more may be recognized as a CMSA if: 1) separate component areas can be identified within the entire area by meeting statistical criteria specified in the standards, and 2) local opinion indicates there is support for the component areas. If recognized, the component areas are designated PMSAs, and the entire area becomes a CMSA. (PMSAs, like the CMSAs that contain them, are composed of individual or groups of counties outside New England, and cities and towns within New England.) If no PMSAs are recognized, the entire area is designated as an MSA.

As of the June 1993 OMB announcement, there were 250 MSAs, and 18 CMSAs comprising 73 PMSAs in the U.S. (In addition, there were 3 MSAs, 1 CMSA, and 3 PMSAs in Puerto Rico; MAs in Puerto Rico do not appear in these tables.)

The largest city in each MSA/CMSA is designated a "central city," and additional cities qualify if specified requirements are met concerning population size and commuting patterns. The title of each MSA consists of the names of up to three of its central cities and the name of each State into which the MSA extends. However, a central city with less than one-third the population of the area's largest city is not included in an MSA title unless local opinion desires its inclusion. Titles of PMSAs also typically are based on central city names but in certain cases consist of county names. Generally, titles of CMSAs are based on the names of their component PMSAs.

A 1990 census list, CPH-L-145, showing 1990 and 1980 populations for current MAs and their component counties or New England subcounty areas is available through the Statistical Information Office, Population Division, (301) 763-5002. A 1990 census Supplementary Report, 1990 CPH-S-1-1, Metropolitan Areas as Defined by the Office of Management and Budget, June 30, 1993, contains extensive population and housing statistics for the current MAs and is available from the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) (stock number 003-024-08738-3). Also available from the GPO is the Census Bureau's wall map for the 1993 MAs (stock number 003-024-08740-5).

Defining NECMAs. The OMB defines NECMAs as a county-based alternative for the city- and town-based New England MSAs and CMSAs. The NECMA for an MSA or CMSA includes: 1) the county containing the first-named city in that MSA/CMSA title (this county may include the first-named cities of other MSAs/CMSAs as well), and 2) each additional county having at least half its population in the MSAs/CMSAs whose first-named cities are in the previously identified county. NECMAs are not identified for individual PMSAs. There are twelve NECMAs, including one for the Boston-Worcester-Lawrence CMSA and one for the portion of the New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island CMSA in Connecticut.

Central cities of a NECMA are those cities in the NECMA that qualify as central cities of an MSA or a CMSA. NECMA titles derive from names of central cities of MSAs/CMSAs.

Changes in MA definitions over time. Changes in the definitions of MAs since the 1950 census have consisted chiefly of (1) the recognition of new areas as they reached the minimum required city or area population; and (2) the addition of counties or New England cities and towns to existing areas as new census data showed them to qualify. Also, former separate MAs have been merged with other areas, and occasionally territory has been transferred from one MA to another or from an MA to nonmetropolitan territory. The large majority of changes have taken place on the basis of decennial census data, although the MA standards specify the bases for intercensal updates.

Because of these changes in definition, users must be cautious in comparing MA data from different dates. For some purposes, comparisons of data for MAs as defined at given dates may be appropriate.

Metropolitan Areas and Standards
This list contains information on areas designated by the OMB as metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs), consolidated metropolitan statistical areas (CMSAs), and primary metropolitan statistical areas (PMSAs).
New England Metropolitan Areas and Standards
This list contains information on areas designated by the OMB for New England county metropolitan areas (NECMAs).


Last Modified Date: September 29, 2003


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U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Division of Current Employment Statistics
Suite 4860
2 Massachusetts Ave., NE
Washington, DC 20212-0001

Phone: (202) 691-6559
Fax: (202) 691-6644
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