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Iraq Programs: What's New

NEW Professional Training Program conducts summer programs for Iraqi national security officials. [Learn More].

NEW Rule of Law Program compiles findings of a recent conference in a new report on the challenges of designing an Iraqi Special Tribunal. [Learn More]

Iraq Programs Overview

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Iraq Programs
Training for U.S. Civilian and Military Personnel Based on Lessons Learned

The Iraq Experience Project

An initiative led by the Institute's Professional Training Program, the Iraq Experience Project is designed to collect, distill, and disseminate lessons learned from U.S. government officials, military officers, and contractors who served in Iraq. Using a combination of tools from printed reports to interactive DVDs, the Iraq Experience Project seeks to help U.S. civilian and military personnel by providing the training and skills needed for Americans serving in Iraq and beyond.

Cover of the DVD The Iraq Experience

In May 2004 the Institute completed the first phase of this project with the release of an interactive DVD entitled "The Iraq Experience: A Briefing on Living and Working in Iraq." Based on candid interviews with Americans who have recently returned from Iraq, the DVD uses a documentary style to make lessons learned available to new employees in a format that is easily accessible, interesting, and educational. Two hours of content is divided into individual topics that may be accessed interactively, including Iraqi history, Iraqi culture and society, security challenges, political transition, economic reconstruction, military-civil affairs, and life in the International Zone. Users are able to watch the DVD in either a classroom setting or at home, selecting either specific sections of interest or watching the entire program from start to finish.

Building upon the success of the Iraq Experience DVD, the Institute has initiated a process to build a database and produce several training-related publications concerning U.S. civilian experiences and lessons learned in Iraq. This next phase of the Iraq Experience Project will focus on three crucial issues: governance, security, and economic reconstruction. Information collected through interviews with returnees will be used to prepare three Institute Special Reports. Following the publication of the reports, the Institute will host a conference featuring experts on postconflict security, reconstruction, and stabilization in early 2005. This conference will be used as a forum to explore the issues raised in the reports and gather insights concerning the challenges of postconflict intervention from issue experts and practitioners.

In the third phase of the Iraq Experience Project, the Institute plans to utilize the information and lessons collected to produce an updated replacement for the Institute's Guide to IGOs, NGOs, and the Military in Peace and Relief Operations. This updated guide is envisioned to serve both as a resource for those working in the field as well as a training tool to help prepare Americans serving in postconflict environments and zones of conflict around the globe.

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For further information on the Institute's Iraq programs please contact the Institute's Office of Congressional and Public Affairs by e-mail at usiprequests@usip.org or by phone at 202.429.3832. Written inquiries may also be sent by mail to the address listed below.


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