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Donor Activities and Civil Society Potential in Iraq
Special Report, July 2004
Offers an overview of international assistance devoted to civil society development, including democracy training, civic programs, human rights, and education reform in Iraq.

Building the Iraqi Special Tribunal: Lessons from Experiences in International Criminal Justice
Special Report, June 2004
Examines lessons learned from the work of the International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, the Special Court for Sierra Leone, the East Timor Serious Crimes Unit, and various national judicial processes concerning accountability for mass violations of human rights and international humanitarian law.

The Broader Middle East and North Africa: Major Challenges Ahead
Newsbyte, June 8, 2004
Looks at the latest iteration of the U.S. initiative to promote democracy in the Middle East.

The U.S. Mission in Iraq After June 30: Views from State and Defense
Newsbyte, May 21, 2004
Explores the challenges ahead for the June 30 transition in Iraq.

Postconflict Iraq: A Race for Stability, Reconstruction, and Legitimacy
Special Report, May 2004
Provides an overview of the problems and possibilities of the transitional period, analyzing the nature of the transition and the players involved with a focus on the process of liberalization.

Building Civilian Capacity for U.S. Stability Operations: The Rule of Law Component
Special Report, April 2004
Proposes that the U.S. government develop a civilian capacity to deploy police, judges, and corrections officials to establish public order in the aftermath of international interventions.

Iraq and its Neighbors: A Regional Architecture is Needed
Newsbyte, February 26, 2004
Examines how regime change in Iraq has affected regional politics and potential roles for regional actors in the reconstruction of Iraq.

Managing Iraq's Oil Revenues
Newsbyte, February 20, 2004
Explores the challenges of oil revenue management in Iraq and its implications for rebuilding the nation.

Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction: What's There, What's Not, and What Does it All Mean?
Newsbyte, February 12, 2004
Covers highlights from recent briefing with former chief U.S. weapons inspector David Kay.

Iraq's Middle Class Is the Key to Unity
Newsbyte, December 23, 2003
Analyzes the challenges to national unity in Iraq and how the coalition can strengthen unifying forces.

The Role of Religion in Iraqi Politics
Newsbyte, December 23, 2003
Explores some of the dynamics of religion and politics in Iraq.

Global Terrorism after the Iraq War
Special Report, October 2003
Features insights from leading terrorism and U.S. national security experts on the challenges facing the United States in combating global terrorism.

Islamist Politics in Iraq after Saddam Hussein
Special Report, August 2003
Graham Fuller examines the various Islamist political movements that have asserted themselves since the fall of Saddam Hussein.

Prospects for Iraqi Economic and Political Reconstruction Are Better Than Anticipated
Newsbyte, August 6, 2003
George Ward, director of U.S. humanitarian operations in Iraq from February to June 2003, explores the state of reconstruction in Iraq in an Institute Newsbyte.

Building Civil Society: An Overlooked Aspect of Iraq's Reconstruction?
Newsbyte, July 31, 2003
Explores the challenges of establishing a healthy civil society in Iraq.

Iraq's Neighbors: Help or Hindrance?
Newsbyte, July 30, 2003
Examines regional issues, interests, and how Iraq's neighbors regard the U.S.-led reconstruction efforts within Iraq.

Global Terrorism after the Iraq War
Newsbyte, July 7, 2003
Explores shifts in the terrorist threat in the wake of the Iraq war and its implications for the overall war on terrorism.

The Road Ahead: Lessons in Nation Building from Japan, Germany, and Afghanistan for Postwar Iraq
Peaceworks, May 2003
This report by senior fellow Ray Jennings draws lessons for postwar peacebuilding in Iraq.

Religious Politics in Iraq
Newsbyte, May 27, 2003
Explores the strength and ideologies of Islamist political movements as well as Shiite-Sunni relations.

Establishing the Rule of Law in Iraq
Special Report, April 2003
Suggests steps to ensure that post-conflict reconciliation and reconstruction in Iraq go forward successfully.

Avoiding Violence in Kirkuk Requires Settling Property Disputes Quickly
Newsbyte, April 28, 2003
Explores whether lessons learned from administrative property claims processes used in Bosnia and Kosovo as well as elsewhere, apply to the situation in Iraq.

Immediate Imperatives in Post-War Iraq
Newsbyte, April 18, 2003
Explores public security, governance, humanitarian assistance, and WMD concerns in post-war Iraq.

Defining the "Vital Role" for the United Nations in Iraq
Newsbyte, April 17, 2003
Examines potential roles for the United Nations in post-war Iraq.

Kirkuk: A Potential Iraq Hot Spot Needs U.S. Attention Now
Newsbyte, March 20, 2003
Examines the possible conflicts arising in and around Kirkuk and possible non-violent solutions.

Humanitarian Responses to a War in Iraq
Newsbyte, March 5, 2003
Explores highlights from recent meeting on Iraq.

After Saddam Hussein: Winning a Peace If It Comes to War
Special Report, February 2003
Well-planned, flexible, and effective post-war initiatives can stabilize the region, empower Iraqi moderates, and help the Unites States to contain tensions with the Middle East.

Disarming Iraq: Problems and Prospects
Newsbyte, December 5, 2002
Explores highlights from Institute Hill briefing on Iraq and weapons of mass destruction.

The Marsh Arabs of Iraq
Newsbyte, November 25, 2002
Explores Hussein's lesser known victims.

Good Practices: Information Sharing in Complex Emergencies
Virtual Diplomacy Report, March 2002
Explores the role of information sharing between humanitarian and military actors in complex emergencies.

Taking It to the Next Level: Civilian-Military Cooperation in Complex Emergencies
Virtual Diplomacy Report, August 2000
Military and intelligence agencies have been unaccustomed to exchanging information with international organizations and non-governmental organizations, and vice versa. As a result, information sharing has been a frustratingly elusive requirement in responses to humanitarian crises.

Thinking Out Loud: Policies Toward Iraq
Special Report, February 1999
The problems Iraq has posed to the United States and the international community are unique, but they represent the kinds of problems we are likely to face in the future. Weapons proliferation, asymmetrical confrontations, and multilateral diplomacy are almost certainly typical of the forthcoming challenges to peace and security.

Between Impediment and Advantage: Saddam's Iraq
Special Report, June 1998
Provides a useful backdrop to the conflict in Iraq by helping interested observers understand the significance of Saddam Hussein in Iraqi politics.

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