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Answers to the most frequently asked kids' questions about patents, trademarks and copyrights and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.




What are patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets?

Patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets are sometimes referred to as "intellectual property"- referring to products that come from the creative mind. Intellectual property is imagination made real. It is an asset just like your home, your car, or your bank account. Just like other kinds of property, intellectual property needs to be protected from theft and misuse.

Patents ...

provide exclusive rights to make, use, import, sell and offer for sale the invention for up to 20 years.

Utility patents ...

protect useful processes, machines, articles of manufacture, and compositions of matter. Examples: fiber optics, computer hardware, medications.

Design patents ...

guard the unauthorized use of new, original, and ornamental designs for articles of manufacture. The look of an athletic shoe, a bicycle helmet, and the Star Wars characters are all protected by design patents.

Plant patents ...

are the way we protect invented or discovered, asexually reproduced plant varieties. Hybrid tea roses, Silver Queen corn, Better Boy tomatoes are all types of plant patents.

Trademarks ...

protect words, names, symbols, sounds, or colors that distinguish goods and services. Trademarks, unlike patents, can be renewed forever as long as they are being used in business. The roar of the MGM lion, the pink of the insulation made by Owens-Corning (who uses the Pink Panther in advertising by permission from its owner!), and the shape of a Coca-Cola bottle are familiar trademarks.

Copyrights ...

protect works of authorship, such as writings, music, and works of art that have been tangibly expressed. The Library of Congress registers copyrights which last for the life of the author plus 70 years. Gone With The Wind (the book and film), Back Street Boys' recordings, and video games are all works that are copyrighted.

Trade Secrets ...

are information that companies keep secret to give them an advantage over their competitors. The formula for Coca-Cola is the most famous trade secret.

If you are an intellectual property owner, you should protect your rights. If you are a user, you should respect them.

It is just as wrong to steal intellectual property as it is to break into a home, steal a car, or rob a bank.

What is the value and purpose of a patent and how does it benefit the Nation?

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Throughout history, inventions have helped people discover new worlds, build communities, develop resources, increase productivity, cure diseases, ease burdens, and enjoy life to the fullest. Our Nation's founders recognized the importance of patents to protect the rights of inventors and included provisions for them in the Constitution. New inventions lead to new technologies, create new jobs, and improve our quality of life. Today, America's inventive spirit is one of our most treasured and envied assets, and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office works to record, share, and preserve it. A patent helps an inventor to make money from his or her invention by allowing only the patentee or those who get his or her permission to make, use, import, sell or offer to sell the invention. Thus it encourages investing in research - which helps the nation.

Around the year 1900, a Japanese commissioner in Washington, DC to study the American patent system stated: "We have looked about us to see what nations are the greatest, so that we can be like them... We said, 'What makes the United States such a great nation?' and we investigated and found that it was patents, and we will have patents."

Why do you need a patent?

A patent gives an inventor the right to exclude all others from making, using, importing, selling or offering to sell the invention for up to 20 years without the inventor's permission. This gives the inventor the opportunity to produce and market the invention himself, or license others to do so, and to make a profit.

Does an inventor get paid when a patent is granted?

A patent does not guarantee monetary success by itself. An inventor gets paid by either selling the invention or by licensing or selling (assigning) the patent rights to someone else. Not all inventions are commercially successful. The invention may actually cost the inventor more money than he or she makes unless a strong business and marketing plan is created.

Do patents cost a lot of money?

The cost can be very high for some people although fees for the patent application, issue and maintenance fees and other related fees are reduced by 50 percent when the applicant is a small business or individual inventor. You can expect to pay the U. S. Patent and Trademark Office a minimum of about $4,000 over the life of the patent.

Do you need a patent to sell an invention?

No, you have the right to make, use, and sell your own invention as long as it does not violate (infringe) someone else's patent. The patent gives you the right to exclude others from doing so without your permission.

What does "patent pending" mean?

Patent Pending is a phrase that often appears on manufactured items. It means that someone has applied for a patent on an invention that is contained in the manufactured item. It serves as a warning that a patent may issue that would cover the item and that copiers should be careful because they might infringe if the patent issues. Once the patent issues, the patent owner will stop using the phrase "patent pending" and start using a phrase such as "covered by U.S. Patent Number XXXXXXX." Applying the patent pending phrase to an item when no patent application has been made can result in a fine.

What would happen if you didn't have a patent?

In some cases, you could keep your invention a secret like the Coca-Cola Company keeps the formula for Coke a secret. This is called a trade secret. Otherwise, without a patent you run a risk of someone else copying your invention with no rewards to you as the inventor.

How old do you have to be to get a patent?

There are no age restrictions on applying for a patent, but only the true inventor is entitled to a patent.

The youngest person to be granted a patent is a four-year-old girl from Houston, Texas, for an aid for grasping round knobs.

What was the first patent?

The first U.S. patent was granted in 1790 to Samuel Hopkins of Philadelphia for "making pot and pearl ashes"-a cleaning formula used in soapmaking.

Can you renew a patent after it expires?

No, you can't renew a patent after it expires. However, patents may be extended by a special act of Congress and under certain circumstances certain pharmaceutical patents may be extended to make up the time lost during the Food and Drug Administration's approval process. After the patent expires, the inventor loses exclusive rights to the invention.

Can you remove a patent from a product?

An inventor probably wouldn't want to lose patent rights on a product. However, a patent may be lost if determined to be invalid by the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks. For example, as a result of a re-examination proceeding or if the patentee fails to pay the required maintenance fees the patent may be lost. A court may also determine that a patent invalid.

How can you be sure no one will steal your patent?

If you think someone has infringed your patent rights, then you can sue that person or company in a federal court.

How do you know the people who work in the patent office are trustworthy for the job?

Each employee at the Patent and Trademark Office takes an oath of office to uphold the laws of the United States. In addition, employees of the Patent and Trademark Office are prohibited from applying for patents themselves.

What happens if two people have the same idea and both apply for patents?

This happens sometimes. When the Patent and Trademark Office receives two patent applications for the same inventions, the cases go into an interference proceeding. The Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences then determines the first inventor who thus may be entitled to a patent based on the information provided by the inventors. This is why it is so important for inventors to keep good records.

Can food and clothing be patented?

Yes. A patent may be obtained for any new, useful, unobvious invention. A patent generally cannot be obtained on the laws of nature, physical phenomena, and abstract ideas; a new mineral or a new plant found in the wild; inventions useful solely in the utilization of special nuclear material or atomic energy for weapons; a machine that is not useful; printed matter; or human beings.

How can I find out if my invention has or hasn't been invented by someone else?

Inventors can make a search of patents already granted, text books, journals and other publications to be sure that someone else has not already invented their idea. They may hire someone to do it for them or may do this themselves at the Public Search Room of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in Arlington, Virginia, on the PTO web page on the Internet, or at one of the Patent and Trademark Depository Libraries across the country.

Can you tell me if my invention has been patented yet?

The PTO will not tell you if your invention has already been invented by someone else unless you apply for a patent.

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is located in Arlington, Virginia, just outside of Washington, DC.

Is there only one Patent and Trademark Office in the USA?

Yes, there is only one, and it is located in Arlington, Virginia, close to Washington, DC.

How many people work at the Patent and Trademark Office?

It currently takes about 6,500 employees to do the job that the first patent board-Thomas Jefferson, Henry Knox, and Edmond Randolph-did a little over 200 years ago.

How long does it usually take to get a patent?

At this time it takes an average of 22 months.

Are there certain qualifications that you need for a good patent application?

There are specific requirements for all patent applications. An application must include a specification, including a description and claim(s); an oath or declaration identifying the applicant(s) believing to be the original inventor(s); a drawing when necessary; and the filing fee. Prior to 1870, a model of the invention was required as well. Today, a model is almost never required.

If I get a patent from any country's Patent Office in the world is my invention protected in all the other countries?

In general, patents are only effective in the country for which they are granted.

Prior to 1870, a model of the invention was required.

How different does one trademark have to be from another?

To determine whether there is a conflict between two marks, the Patent and Trademark Office determines whether consumers would be likely to confuse the goods or services of one party with those of the other party as a result of the use of the marks at issue by both parties.

Why do some products have so many names?

Naming an invention actually involves developing at least two names. One name is the generic name. The other name is the brand name or trademark. For example, Pepsi® and Coke® are brand names; cola or soda are the generic or product names. Big Mac® and Whopper® are brand names; hamburger is the generic or product name. Nike® and Reebok® are brand names; sneaker or athletic shoe are generic or product names.

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If the product or process is new and unfamiliar to potential customers, then inventors have to give customers something to call the invention. If only a brand name or trademark is given to consumers to use when asking for an invention, then that name will become, from the customer's point of view, the generic or product name. For example, Escalator was once a brand name or trademark for the product known as a "moving stairway." Cellophane was once a brand name or trademark for the product known as "plastic food wrap."

In these cases, customers who bought or used these inventions were not taught the difference between the trademark and the product name. They began to use the trademarks as if they were the only names for the products and the inventors lost their trademarks.

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There is no sure-fire way to develop good trademarks. Sometimes it take a while for a trademark to catch on and the fact that the invention is desirable is what eventually makes the trademark for the invention well-known. In other cases, when the invention may be pretty good, but not great, a really catchy trademark can make the invention successful.

What is the difference between the notations TM or SM and the ®?

The designations TM and SM usually indicate that someone is claiming rights in use of the trademark and are often used before a federal trademark registration is issued.

The ® designation may be used once the trademark is actually registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Even though an application is pending, the registration symbol may not be used before the trademark has actually become registered. The federal registration symbol should only be used on goods or services that are the subject of a federal trademark registration.

Note: Several foreign countries use the letter R enclosed within a circle to indicate that the mark is registered in that country. Use of the symbol by the holder of a foreign registration may be proper.

An inventor's job is never completed...
It Just Keeps on Going and Going, like the Energizer® bunny!        The Energizer® Bunny®

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