CM/ECF - News, Notices, & Updates
Mandatory Electronic Filing Begins October 1st, 2004
**NEW** General Order No. 45: Mandatory Electronic Case Filing
CM/ECF Newsletter Now Available
**IMPORTANT** Common Adobe Acrobat Problems And Fixes
Acrobat 6 Users Need To Change Default Settings Immediately
Please Format Orders To These Standards Before Uploading

Effective March 1st, 2004:
Misc. Order 43 - Procedural Rules For ECF
New Administrative Procedures
New Motion Practice

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Please check back often for updates.

CM/ECF Training
 •  Check The Training Schedule Or Sign Up For Training
-   If the training dates listed on the training schedule are not suitable for you, please call the Court at 918-758-0126 for alternative training dates.
-   Attention Oklahoma City area attorneys. We might be conducting ECF training in Oklahoma City in following months. If you would rather attend the Oklahoma City classes, please call David (918)758-0126 ext. 222 or Debi (918) 758-0126 ext.228 for details.
 •  View The Online Manual For Attorneys And Trustees
 •  Computer Based Training Is Available From:

Required Documents For CM/ECF:   (AS OF 2/26/04)
 •  CM/ECF Skills/Readiness Survey
 •  (Form A) ECF Attorney Registration Form
 •  (Form B) ECF Registration And Training Waiver/Limited Use Claim Password
 •  (Form C) Declaration Of Electronic Filing Of Documents
 •  ECF Training Waiver - Requirments For Login And Password For Attroneys Trained And Certified In Other Districts

Click on one of the links below to login to CM/ECF.