Image:  U.S. District Court, IL-C

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Electronic Case Filing

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Image:  Electronic Filing

Image:  Catch the Wave!  CM/ECF


As of September 1, 2004, this is an Electronic Filing court.

* * *   Log in to ECF   * * *

Look for more material to be added to this page as it becomes available.

Attorney Registration Form for this Court's Electronic Case Filing System
Check the Frequently Asked Questions page.
Revised Administrative Procedures governing electronic filing, effective October 15, 2004
       - for Civil cases
       - for Criminal cases

  Revised Notice of Electronic Availability of Case File Information (Privacy Policy)
for Civil cases
       - for Criminal cases

ECF menu items lists for attorneys:
            - Civil menu items
            - Criminal menu items
Attorneys and their staffs may register for hands-on Electronic Case Filing training sessions which will take place at the U.S. District Courthouses in Peoria, Urbana, Springfield, and Rock Island.
Pro Se Party Registration Form for this Court's Electronic Case Filing System
Local Rules relating to Electronic Filing

The Judiciary-Wide Overview of CM/ECF
which includes:
        - frequently asked questions
        - hardware & software information
        - document format
        - general procedural rules for attorneys

Video:  CM/ECF  -  The Attorneys' Perspective
Recommendation for best viewing:  download the file first by right-clicking on the link above, then select "Save Link As..." or "Save Target As...,"  then view the video file on your own PC.

Electronic Case Filing 101:  A Tutorial for Attorneys and Law Firm Staff

CM/ECF:  Clerk's Office at Your Desktop

Computer-based training modules for district court CM/ECF from the judiciary's training center