to rescue your sequence into a file called seqed.log. If this file was somehow corrupted, then the next time seqed is started, you will get a message saying
recovering....can't open
and nothing more will happen. The solution to get seqed working again is to delete the seqed.log file (by typing 'rm seqed.log').

Note: This problem seems to have been fixed in GCG 9.0

What databases are available for Fasta searches?

The welcome notice when you start up GCG tells you what databases are available and when each one was last updated.

The databases can be accessed in groups and sub-groups. For example, Bacterial sequences can be searched separately as ba:*, gb_ba:*, or as part of Genbank (Genbank:*), or GenbankPlus (GBPlus:*), or GenEMBLPlus (GEPlus:*). The database section of the GCG manual lists the short names for each protein and nucleic acid database. (On helix, you can also type 'genmanual' and go to 'Databases').

Genbank and EMBL trade data nightly, so that Genbank encompasses almost all of EMBL at any given time. Thus it is only necessary to maintain one of these databases. On the helix systems, we keep Genbank up-to-date, and so EMBL on our system is vanishingly small. Thus, the GenEMBLPlus is essentially the same as GenbankPlus, GenEMBL is essentially equal to Genbank, and so on.

To use any of these databases in a Fasta search, remember to type ':*' after the database name! For example, you can search the Tags library using 'Tags:*' or 'Gb_Tags:*'. The database specifications are case-insensitive.

How do I get information about the databases?

When you start up GCG, the welcome notice tells you which databases we have installed on helix, and when they were updated. Detailed information about each database can be found in the directory /gcgdata/gcgcore/data/moredata/ in files called swissprot.release, genbank.release etc. You can read these files using the 'more' command (e.g. helix% more /gcgdata/gcgcore/data/moredata/pir.release or copy them to your own directory using GCG's 'fetch' command. (e.g.
helix% fet