NASA's Section 508 website banner


 Section 508:
      Final Document

 Technical Assistance
  Guide Index

PIC 01-13

 Memorandum -
Council of  CIOs on Section 508

 Final FAR Rule

 President Bush
remarks  on Section 508


It is the intent of the NASA Section 508 Web site to provide information that is accessible to all. Our web site is based on the Technical Standards of Section 508 part 1194.22. If you find any of the site content to be inaccessible, please contact us or send feedback.

Guide to the Section 508 Standards for Electronic and Information Technology

This Guide has been prepaired by the Federal Access Board and is provided here for your convenience. The original document may be found at:

Subpart A - General

  • Scope (1194.1 - 1194.5)

Subpart B - Technical Standards

Subpart C - Functional Performance Criteria

  • Upcoming: Functional Performance Criteria (1194.31)

Subpart D - Information, Documentation, and Support

  • Upcoming: Information, Documentation, and Support (1194.41) 









Responsible NASA Official: Scott Glasser
Curator: Ed Miller
Date: August 6, 2002
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