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  America's National Wildlife Refuge System
Where Wildlife Comes First
Refuges encourage wildlife-oriented recreation such as wildlife observation, wildlife photography, hunting, fishing, interpretation and environmental education.
Visit some wildlife refuges in person: Use the Office Directory to find the refuges in your stateThere is at least one national wildlife refuge in every state, and within an hour's drive of most major cities.
Hope you saw us at the movies! Check out the pictures that were on the big screen.
And since you're already on the Internet... ...check out the Refuges Home Page, read the online brochure, or search the Refuge System databases for the name, address, phone number, fax number, email address, public use opportunities, and other general information about refuges in your area.
HappeningsFind out what "special events" are being held at units of the National Wildlife Refuge System and Fish and Wildlife Service offices nationwide

egret Wildlife plays the starring role on a stage of stunning habitats throughout America's National Wildlife Refuge System. Join the 30 million visitors who each year witness some of the most amazing wildlife spectacles in the world, and find outstanding recreational opportunities, on more than 500 refuges and thousands of prairie waterfowl areas.

You can journey from the volcanic cliffs of Hawaiian islands to the vast deserts of the Southwest, from the rich prairie heartland to Florida's peaceful coastal backwaters. All of these scenic paradises, and many more, await you on the 93 million acres of special places devoted specifically to the protection of America's wildlife.

You can marvel at millions of chattering mallards or witness the awesome trek of caribou across the arctic tundra. Come let refuges renew your spirits through adventures as exciting as reeling in trophy trout and as quiet as contemplating historic landmarks that link us to our past. Learn what these treasure troves of wildlife have to offer, from the thrill of a marsh on opening morning to the wonder of a child exploring nature's web of life.

Image credit for snowy egret: US Fish and Wildlife Service/David Hall

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