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Educating for Conservation


We work for you ... by giving you practical tools for education about fish and wildlife!

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service helps Americans learn about fish, wildlife, plants, and their habitats – because a public that’s educated about natural resource issues is an informed public. We have many ways in which to help – our new National Conservation Training Center in West Virginia is the Nation’s premier site for fish and wildlife conservation education, where people from government, industry, and non-profit groups all come for the latest in professional conservation training. Our national publications clearinghouse – and our publications units in our regional offices in seven of the Nation’s largest cities – can help you with specialized information about fish, wildlife, and plants. An even quicker source of practical information to answer your wildlife questions is our array of electronic Web sites ... where our most popular publications are posted and down-loadable by you – as are many hundreds of our most beautiful wildlife photographic images. Check out our links for information about fish and wildlife exhibits and training programs near you ... and kids, don’t forget to visit our special link, designed just for you!

Below is a list of web sites useful for education. Please see our Index/Site Map to find other routes to our information online.

Conservation Library
documents online, searchable catalog, links to electronic journals...
Training Courses
classes taught at the National Conservation Training Center and elsewhere
online versions of exhibits for conferences
Frequently Asked Questions
including suggestions for homework research...
Kids Page
for Junior Biologists and others...
produced by Geographic Information System (GIS) technology...
art, drawings, color pictures in the Image Library...
reports, brochures, studies, plans...
Shorebird Sister Schools
migrate with us!
wildlife and conservation videos...

Questions? Please see our answers to the Frequently Asked Questions, and try the Index/Site Map and the Search Engine, before you contact us at Contact@fws.gov

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