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Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer
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TES is a satellite instrument designed to measure the state of the earth's troposphere. This infrared Fourier Transform spectrometer will provide key data for studying tropospheric chemistry, troposphere-biosphere interaction, and troposphere-stratosphere exchanges. TES is being built for NASA by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California. It was successfully launched into polar orbit aboard NASA's third earth observing systems spacecraft (EOS-Aura) at 10:02 UTC on July 15, 2004.

To learn more about TES, select any of the buttons in the dark gray bar above.

  • News provides information on the TES status.
  • Mission gives details on the instrument development and operation.
  • Science explains the science issues for TES.
  • DataProducts offers all the descriptions about TES data products.
  • Publications provides the list of publications and documents for TES.
  • Gallery presents animations and image plots generated using TES measurements.

Since October 15, 2003

TES Team Internal Page

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FIRST GOV   NASA Home Page Web Contact: Ming Luo
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