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Voyager - Celebrating 25 Years of Discovery
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Welcome to the Voyager web site
Cosmic Ray Subsystem

Plasma Science

Plasma Waves

Low-energy Charged Particles

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Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Planetary Voyage
Voyager 1, Prepare for Action
At the outer limits of our solar system, a solar shock wave is about to overtake NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft.
More about the solar blast wave heading for Voyager 1

Voyager at 90 AU ... and beyond
The Voyager journey of discovery continues. After traveling through space for more than 27 years, Voyager 1 has set a new milestone. On November 5, 2003, the spacecraft reached 90 astronomical units (AU) from the Sun. 90 AU is the equivalent of about 8.4 billion miles or 13.5 billion kilometers. It is the only spacecraft to have made measurements in the solar wind from such a great distance from the source of the dynamic solar environment.

Recent observations indicate that Voyager 1 is in a region unlike any encountered in its 26 years of exploration. These observations and what they may infer about the approach to the termination shock were the subject of a NASA Space Science Update (SSU) on November 5, 2003. For more details, go here.

The Greatest Space Adventurer
The Voyager mission, now in its 26th year, continues its quest to push the bounds of space exploration. The twin Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft opened new vistas in space by greatly expanding our knowledge of Jupiter and Saturn. Voyager 2 then extended the planetary adventure when it flew by Uranus and Neptune, becoming the only spacecraft ever to visit these worlds.

Voyager 1, now the most distant human-made object in the universe, and Voyager 2, close on its heels, continue their ground-breaking journey with their current mission to study the region in space where the Sun's influence ends and the dark recesses of interstellar space begin. More about the interstellar mission


Deep Space Network

Deep Space Network (DSN)

A 25 Year Partnership

The Deep Space Network continues to support daily communications sessions with both of the now very distant Voyager-1 and Voyager-2 spacecraft.


From The Archives

(More archive images)

Golden Record

Featured Video
The Grand Tour
This page was last updated July 23, 2004
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