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Welcome to the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) home page. This site has been organized to better serve the needs of our audience. We have created four separate categories, each with a particular audience in mind.

  • GPO INSIDE - provides details on the GPO itself, including a fact sheet, a management organizational chart, press releases, and annual reports.

  • GPO ACCESS - citizens will find online government publications.

  • GPO SERVICES - provides information for government agencies interested in the services GPO offers. It also provides information on how to contact the GPO representitive for a given agency and how to track jobs within GPO.

  • GPO VENDORS - lists open bids and details on becoming a registered GPO contractor for printers, office suppliers, or any other businesses interested in doing contract work with GPO.

This website is maintained by the GPO to provide information to Federal agencies, the public, and the news media. The site was developed by the GPO.

The U.S. Government Printing Office is constantly working to improve its services, and values the feedback received from users. If you have questions or are in need of customer service, please consult the following resources:


Office of Public Relations

U.S. Government Printing Office
732 N. Capitol Street, NW
Washington, DC 20401

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Technical questions about this website should be directed to webteam@gpo.gov.

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