Subscribe to Our Report

Each day, the OSEI team mails a copy of its Daily Operational Significant Event Imagery Report to each subscriber. This report, which can also be reviewed on this web site, contains a short descriptive narrative and a direct link to each OSEI product we create to document a specific event.

If you would like to subscribe to this report, please enter your e-mail address in the text box below.

Upon receiving your e-mail, you will be sent a message about the report itself and instructions for discontinuing the mailings should that become necessary. The report will then be mailed to you regularly on weekdays at around 22:00 UTC. We do not produce this report on weekends or holidays unless an event occurs that warrants special coverage.

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To cancel subscription to this report, enter your e-mail in the text box below and click "unsubscribe".

We at OSEI would like to assure you that your e-mail address, will not be offered to any other agency or program without your expressed consent.

Please contact us if you have any questions.

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