ams at usda
the national organic program
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line Text Version of Homepage

Certifying Agents

Includes applicants for accreditation, accredited certifying agents, accreditation status table, application for accreditation, appeals process, compliance & enforcement, and more.

Consumer Information

Includes background information of NOP, the USDA organic seal, organic labeling photo, fact sheets, Organic Standards and Labels: The Facts, compliance & enforcement, and more.

NOP Regulations (Standards) & Guidelines

Includes NOP standards, National List information, policy statements, trade issues, and more.

Producers, Handlers, Processors & Retailers

Includes National List information, labeling packaged products, labeling alcoholic beverages, peer review panel, and more.

State & Cost Share Information

Includes approval procedures, approved State programs, accredited State Departments of Agriculture, State contacts, cost share program, and more.

Today's News: latest NOP news -- updated regularly

Publications:  Includes links to publications produced by the NOP.

Newsroom:  news releases and federal register notices

Compliance & Enforcement: link to Denial of Certification, How to File a Complaint, NOP Compliance, Suspensions and Revocations

Filing a Petition:  links to Federal Register notice, Information To Be Included in Petition, Materials Forms, the National List Review Process, and the Policy for National List Updates.

Materials Review Sources Sought:  The National Organic Program is seeking sources for qualified businesses to provide technical reviews of substances petitioned for evaluation for inclusion on or removal from the National List of Substances Allowed and Prohibited in Organic Production and Handling.

Contact Information: mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, email address,

Questions and Answers: entire list of questions and answers -- updated regularly

Archive: link to previous NOP website, commercial availability comments, OFPA

Text Version of Homepage

National Organic Standards Board

Comments on NOSB Committee Materials Recommendations

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