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  today's news
October 22, 2004
A Summary of Minutes for the NOSB April 2004 Meeting has been posted on the NOSB website.
October 8, 2004
The Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry has been added to the list of USDA Accredited Certifying Agents.
September 29, 2004
Documented Source of Approved and Prohibited Materials for Use in Organic Operations -- dated July 16, 2004 was added to the NOP Correspondence page
USDA Press Release:  USDA Awards $4.5 Million in Grants for Organic Agriculture Projects
September 27, 2004
Federal Register Notice of National Organic Standards Board Meeting, October 12-14, 2004
September 24, 2004
The Meeting Book for the National Organic Standards Board Meeting scheduled for October 12-14, 2004 has been posted to the NOSB website.
September 17, 2004
AMS News Release announcing the National Organic Standards Board Meeting October 12-14, 2004
September 15, 2004
Contact information for Bio Latina, now located in Bogotá, Columbia, has been updated on the Accredited Certifying Agents page.
September 14, 2004
The NOSB Compost Tea Task Force Report has been updated and added to the NOSB Recommendations page.
September 9, 2004
Proposed Japanese Agricultural Standards for Organic Livestock have been posted to the NOP Trade Issues page.
September 7, 2004
Argencert S.R.L. has been given the authority to add the certification of livestock to its current accreditation to certify crop, wild crop, and handling operations to the National Organic Standards.
September 3, 2004
NOP Site Update:  The agenda for the October 2004 NOSB Meeting has been posted on the NOSB Meetings page.
September 2, 2004
Certificadora Chile Organico S.A. was added to the list of Accredited Certifying Agents.
NOSB Site Update:  The link NOSB Committees and Members has been changed to NOSB Administrative Information.  All information previously found under the Committees and Members link can now be found under the NOSB Administrative Information link.
August 31, 2004
A supplemental report for Soy Protein Isolate was added to the Petitioned Substances Database.
August 26, 2004
Entidad De Control Certificación Y Servicos Agroalimentarios (ECCYSA) was added to the list of Accredited Certifying Agents.
The contact information and mailing address for Ecocert S.A. has been updated on the list of Accredited Certifying Agents.
August 18, 2004
Federal Register Notice: (August 18, 2004) Notice of Agricultural Management Assistance Organic Certification Cost-Share Program
News Release:  (August 4, 2004) Funds to Defray Costs of Organic Certification are Available to Producers in 15 States
The National Organic Program is seeking sources for qualified businesses to provide technical reviews of substances petitioned for evaluation for inclusion on or removal from the National List of Substances Allowed and Prohibited in Organic Production and Handling.

Link added to homepage -- Materials Review Sources Sought

August 17, 2004
The Executive Committe Conference Call Summary Minutes for March 30, 2004 has been posted to the NOSB site.
August 16, 2004
An amendment has been added to the substance Sucrose Octanoate Esters on the Petitioned Substances Database. 
A new petition for the substance Pullulan has replaced the previous petition on the Petitioned Substances Database.
August 10, 2004
The address and contact information for Stellar Certification Services, Inc. has been updated on both the Accredited Certifying Agents list and the Accreditation Applicants list.
The phone and fax numbers for Pacific Ag Commodities were added to their listing on the Organic Feedgrain Producers and Handlers page.
July 21, 2004
The list of accredited certifying agents has been updated and is now alphabetical by state or country.
June 24, 2004
The website address for the accredited certifying agent IMO Switzerland has been updated.
The NOSB Board Policy Manual has been revised.
The NOSB Policy Development and Compliance, Accreditation, and Certification Committee Recommendations that were adopted at the NOSB April Meeting have been posted.
June 9, 2004
NOFA Massachusetts has changed its name to Baystate Organic Certifiers.  This change has been made on the Accredited Certifying Agents list.
June 8, 2004
The Accreditation Status Table was updated to show Certificadora Chile Organico S.A. and OVONA, Inc. (Canada) were moved from the Under Review of Author table to the In ARC Branch table and to show that the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce has been moved to the Accredited table.
The Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce has been added to the List of USDA Accredited Certifying Agents.
The List of Applicants for Accreditation has been updated.
May 28, 2004
The Accreditation Status Table was updated to show Certificadora Chile Organic (CCO) and Ovona, Inc. Canada are now under the review of an auditor.
E-mail addresses for bio.inspecta and NOFA-NJ were updated on the Accredited Certifying Agents List.
May 25, 2004
The April 2004 NOSB meeting transcripts have been added to the NOSB Transcripts page.
May 24, 2004
The State Contacts page was updated.
May 13, 2004
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate was added to the Petitioned Substances Database.
May 11, 2004
Value Through Verification: USDA National Organic Program was added to the list of available publications.
The accreditation letter and Decision on Accreditation document have been linked to the Organic National and International Certifiers listing on the Accredited Certifying Agent List.
The Accreditation Status Tables have been updated to show that Organic National and International Certifiers have been accredited and Certificadora Chili Organico SA and OVONA, Inc. Canada are now in the ARC Branch (waiting for information).
The accreditation applicants list has been updated.
April 26, 2004
The Public Comments page for the April 2004 NOSB meeting was updated.
April 20, 2004
The Accreditation Status Tables have been updated to show Certificadora Chili Organico SA and OVONA, Inc. Canada are now under review of the auditor (waiting for information).
The accreditation letter and Decision on Accreditation document have been linked to the bio.inspecta listing on the Accredited Certifying Agent List.
April 19, 2004
bio.inspecta was added to the Accredited Certifying Agents List.
The list of applicants for Accreditation has been updated.
April 16, 2004
Materials Used as Food Contact Substances Report was added to the NOSB April 2004 Meeting Agenda and Meeting Book.
April 15, 2004
The address for sending appeals process documentation has been changed to:

Administrator, USDA, AMS
c/o NOP Appeals Staff
Stop 0203, Room 3529-S
1400 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20250-0203

April 14, 2004
Comment on NOSB Committee Materials Recommendations
April 13, 2004
Sucrose Octanoate Esters was added to the Petitioned Substances Database.
The Crops Materials Committee Recommendation for Urea was added to the NOSB April 2004 Meeting Agenda and Meeting Book.
The Compost Task Force Final Report was added to the NOSB April 2004 Meeting Agenda and Meeting Book.
April 7, 2004
Northern-Most Feeds, LLC was added to the list of organic feedgrain producers and handlers
Consell catala de la Produccio Agraria Ecologica (CCPAE) was added to the Accredited Certifying Agents list.
FAS GAIN Report on Japan (.pdf) was added to Export Arrangements with Japan.
Federal Register Notice of Meeting of the National Organic Standards Board (.pdf)
NOSB April Meeting Agenda and Meeting Book have been updated to reflect what items have not been submitted by NOSB committees.
NOSB Committee Recommendations for Soy Protein Isolate, 6 Benzyladenine, and Hydrogen Chloride were added to the NOSB April Meeting Agenda and Meeting Book.
April 5, 2004
The following NOSB conference call summaries were added to the NOSB website:
April 2, 2004
The Filing a Petition page has been created.  This page includes the following:  Federal Register notice, Information To Be Included in Petition, Materials Forms, and the National List Review Process.
April 1, 2004
NOSB April 2004 Meetings Page, Meeting Agenda, and Meeting Book were updated
The Petitioned Substances Database on the National List Information page was updated
Press release announcing April 2004 NOSB Meeting
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