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 Section 508:
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PIC 01-13
 Memorandum -
Council of  CIOs on Section 508

 Final FAR Rule

 President Bush
remarks  on Section 508



It is the intent of the NASA Section 508 Web site to provide information that is accessible to all. Our web site is based on the Technical Standards of Section 508 part 1194.22. If you find any of the site content to be inaccessible, please contact us or send feedback.

Enclosure 2

EIT Market Research Template

Purchase Request:
Purchase Card Call:
Delivery Order:
Task Order:

Section 508 Compliance with Electronic and Information Technology (EIT)
Accessibility Standards (36 CFR 1194)

The supply and/or service required:

Meets the applicable accessibility standards.

Is a commercial supply or service and market research has determined that some or all of the applicable Access Board standards cannot be met by supplies or services available in the commercial marketplace in time to satisfy agency delivery requirements. (See attached EIT Commercial Non-Availability Determination)

Is exempt from compliance with applicable accessibility standards based on the following exception:

The item is for a national security system;

The item will be located in spaces frequented only by service personnel for maintenance, repair or occasional monitoring of equipment; or

Would impose an undue burden on the agency. (See attached Undue Burden

Printed Name of Requiring Official (Date)

EIT Commercial Item Non-Availability Determination

To be completed by the Requiring Official

1.Detail, for each commercial EIT item required, which applicable Access Board standards are not available in the commercial marketplace.

2.Describe the market research performed to substantiate item 1 above. What sources did you use to investigate the availability of compliant commercial items? (e.g. other federal agencies; contacts with industry trade associations; Internet market research; Request-for-Information (RFI) in Federal Business Opportunities (FedBizOpps))

I have determined that the applicable Access Board standards identified in paragraph 1 above cannot be met with a supply or service available in the commercial marketplace in time to satisfy agency delivery requirements.

Printed Name Date

Concurrence: IAW Center procedures

EIT Undue Burden Exception Determination

To be completed by the Requiring Official

[For each applicable Access Board standard that the agency finds to be an undue burden, the requiring official must explain why, and to what extent, compliance with the standard creates an undue burden. For commercial acquisitions, this determination document is not required to address standards that are not available in the commercial marketplace in time to meet the Agency's delivery requirement.]

1. Describe the products or services required to meet the agency’s needs.

2. Dollar value of the acquisition, including any options.

3. List the standards for which compliance is an undue burden.

4. Describe the market research performed to locate commercial items that meet the applicable standards.

5. What is the undue burden (i.e., the significant difficulty or expense the Government would incur in order to comply with a particular standard), taking into consideration the resources available to the program for which the supply or service is being acquired. If the monetary expense is deemed prohibitive, explain the costs and how they were estimated.

6. Describe the alternate means of access that will be provided that will allow individuals with disabilities to use the information or data (29 U.S.C. 794d(a)(1)(B).

In accordance with FAR 39.204, I have determined that procurement of EIT product(s) that meet the Access Board standards identified in paragraph 3 above is an "undue burden."

Signature of requiring official

Contracting Officer
Center Legal Office

Approval: Center CIO

Go to PIC 01-13 Enclosure 1 Implementation Q&As

Go to PIC 01-13 Enclosure 2 EIT Market Research Template

Go to PIC 01-13 Enclosure 3 Request for Information

Responsible NASA Official: Scott Glasser
Curator: Ed Miller
Date: August 6, 2002
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