Threatened, Endangered, Proposed, and Candidate

American burying beetle (Nicrophorus americanus) (=giant carrion)

Fact Sheet

Dakota skipper

Dakota Skipper Fact Sheet

Dakota Skipper Status Assessment and Conservation Guidelines (PDF file; 84 pages; 600KB)

Questions and Answers about Designating Dakota Skipper as a Candidate for Listing under the Endangered Species Act

Region 3 Candidate Species List

Information about the candidate conservation program

Hine's emerald dragonfly (Somatochlora hineana)

Fact Sheet
Recovery Plan

Hungerford's crawling water beetle (Brychius hungerfordi Spangler)

Recovery Plan
News Release: Draft Plan Outlines Steps to Help Rare Beetle August 6, 2004

Federal Register Notice of Availability of the Hungerford's Crawling Water Beetle Draft Recovery Plan for Public Review and Comment: August 6, 2004 (PDF)

Hungerford's Crawling Water Beetle Draft Recovery Plan

General Information
Species Profile - links to our national endangered species website
Fact Sheet

Karner blue butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis)

Final Recovery Plan

Final Recovery Plan PDF 1.6MB; 293 pages

News Release - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Approves Recovery Plan for the Karner Blue Butterfly (September 19, 2003)

Federal Register Notice of Availability- Approved Recovery Plan for the Karner Blue Butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis - September 19, 2003 (PDF)

Fact Sheet 

Wisconsin's Karner Blue Butterfly Habitat Conservation Plan Information

The Karner Blue Butterfly Habitat Conservation Plan Fact Sheet
Questions and Answers about the Karner Blue Butterfly Habitat Conservation Plan
Wisconsin's Karner Blue Butterfly Habitat Conservation Plan


The Karner blue butterfly: an article about the species and its ecosystem (April 1997)
The Beauty and Benefits of Savannas: Necedah National Wildlife Refuge - learn about management for the Karner blue butterfly's ecosystem (April 1997)
Of Wings and Warriors: management for the Karner blue butterfly on Fort McCoy in Wisconsin (January 1997)
Wild lupine and Karner blue butterflies: an article about the Karner blue's relationship with wild lupine (November 1996)

Mitchell's satyr butterfly (Neonympha mitchellii mitchellii)

Fact Sheet


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Division of Endangered Species
BHW Federal Building
1 Federal Drive
Fort Snelling, Minnesota 55111-4056