Species of Concern

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The following list includes some (but not all) of the Species of Concern in Region 3 and actions that have or are being taken to document their status or conserve the species. As time and budget allows, species and additional information will be added to this list.

"Species of concern" is an informal term that refers to those species which Region 3 believes might be in need of concentrated conservation actions. Such conservation actions vary depending on the health of the populations and degree and types of threats. At one extreme, there may only need to be periodic monitoring of populations and threats to the species and its habitat. At the other extreme, a species may need to be listed as a Federal threatened or endangered species. "Species of concern" receive no legal protection and the use of the term does not necessarily mean that the species will eventually be proposed for listing as a threatened or endangered species.

Region 3 is the lead region unless noted otherwise. Abbreviation indicates the lead Field Office within Region 3 (e.g., TCFO)

Guidance for Conducting Status Assessments

Baird's sparrow (Ammodramus bairdii)
Fact Sheet, Status Assessment and Conservation Plan (Region 6 lead); TCFO

Black tern (Chlidonias niger)
Black Tern Status Assessment (Region 6 lead); TCFO

Cerulean warbler (Dendroica cerulea)
Available Information

Common tern, Great Lake Population (Sterna hirundo)
Status Assessment underway;

Henslow's sparrow (Ammodramus henslowii)
Status Assessment (1996)
Status Assessment Report Summary (completed in 1996); BFO
1997 Decision on the Status Recommendation (decision not to designate as candidate species)
September 9, 1998, Federal Register Notice of Finding on Petition to List as Threatened

Loggerhead shrike (Lanius ludovicianus migrans)
Status assessment completed November, 2000 (pdf file); BFO

Northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis)
Literature review for Region 3 states and Ontario is underway; GBFO and TCFO
Status of Northern Goshawk; Proceedings of a Workshop

Eastern Hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis)
Status assessment (pdf); ROFO

Crystal darter (Crystallaria asprella)
Status assessment (pdf) completed; ROFO

Eastern sand darter (Etheostoma pellucidum)
Status assessment (PDF); ROFO

Flathead chub (Hybopsis gracilis)
Status assessment underway; CMFO

Longhead darter (Percina macrocephala)
Status assessment underway; ROFO

Northern cavefish (Amblyopsis spelaea)
Status assessment completed in 1995; BFO
Decision on the Status Recommendation (decision not to designate as a candidate species)

Spotted darter (Etheostoma maculatum)
Status assessment- 2004 (PDF); ROFO

Glacial relict snails
Status assessment initiated in 1997; GBFO

Kramer's cave beetle (Pseudanophthalmus krameri)
Status assessment underway; ROFO

Ohio cave beetle (Pseudanophthalmus ohioensis)
Status assessment underway; ROFO

Wabash belted skimmer (Macromia wabashensis)
Status assessment underway; ROFO

A Pseudoscorpion (no common name) (Apochthonous hobbsi)
Status assessment underway; ROFO

Indiana crayfish (Orconectes indianensis)
Status assessment completed in 1995; BFO
Decision on the Status Recommendation (decision not to designate as candidate species)

An Isopod (no common name) (Caecidotea filicispeluncae)
Status assessment underway; ROFO

An Isopod (no common name) (Caecidotea rotunda)
Status assessment underway; ROFO

Flowering Plants
Glade (Darlington's) spurge (Euphorbia purpurea)
Status assessment underway; ROFO

Hall's bulrush (Schoenoplectus (Scirpus) hallii)
Status Assessment completed in 1998; CMFO

Hill's thistle (Cirsium hillii)
Status assessment completed in 1997; ELFO
Decision on the Status Recommendation (decision not to designate as candidate species)

Pale false foxglove (Agalinus skinneriana)
Status assessment underway; GBFO


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Fort Snelling, Minnesota 55111-4056