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Global Browse Image Gallery

Version 1.0 Beta:
The images in this gallery are created from data collected daily by the AIRS and MODIS instruments on the Terra and Aqua satellites. Currently, the most recent calendar day for which there are images and the two days prior to that are shown on this page. There will be a delay, currently 3-4 days, between the current calendar day and the most recent images. This is done to ensure that the images are as complete as possible. Also, please note that not all data days for the instruments and platforms are represented yet in this gallery, as it takes time to generate all the images for the archived data.

For more information, please contact help@daac.gsfc.nasa.gov or visit our Data Information page. Terra Orbit Tracks and Aqua Orbit Tracks are available from the University of Wisconsin-Madison SSEC.

Julian Day:

AIRS/Aqua RGB-Visible Global Browse image, 39km resolution, for data day 2004/291.

AIRS/Aqua RGB-Visible Global Browse image, 39km resolution, for data day 2004/291.

RGB-Visible - 39km (≈150kb)
RGB-Thermal - 39km (≈150kb)
Brightness Temperature (day)- 39km (≈800kb)
Brightness Temperature (night)- 39km (≈150kb)
MODIS/Aqua RGB-Visible Global Browse image, 39km resolution, for data day 2004/291.

MODIS/Aqua RGB-Visible Global Browse image, 39km resolution, for data day 2004/291.

RGB-Visible - 39km (≈150kb)
RGB-Thermal - 39km (≈150kb)
Brightness Temperature (day)- 39km (≈150kb)
Brightness Temperature (night)- 39km (≈150kb)
MODIS/Terra RGB-Visible Global Browse image, 39km resolution, for data day 2004/291.

MODIS/Terra RGB-Visible Global Browse image, 39km resolution, for data day 2004/291.

RGB-Visible - 39km (≈150kb)
RGB-Thermal - 39km (≈150kb)
Brightness Temperature (day)- 39km (≈150kb)
Brightness Temperature (night)- 39km (≈150kb)
Julian Day:

AIRS/Aqua RGB-Visible Global Browse image, 39km resolution, for data day 2004/290.

AIRS/Aqua RGB-Visible Global Browse image, 39km resolution, for data day 2004/290.

RGB-Visible - 39km (≈150kb)
RGB-Thermal - 39km (≈150kb)
Brightness Temperature (day)- 39km (≈800kb)
Brightness Temperature (night)- 39km (≈150kb)
MODIS/Aqua RGB-Visible Global Browse image, 39km resolution, for data day 2004/290.

MODIS/Aqua RGB-Visible Global Browse image, 39km resolution, for data day 2004/290.

RGB-Visible - 39km (≈150kb)
RGB-Thermal - 39km (≈150kb)
Brightness Temperature (day)- 39km (≈150kb)
Brightness Temperature (night)- 39km (≈150kb)
MODIS/Terra RGB-Visible Global Browse image, 39km resolution, for data day 2004/290.

MODIS/Terra RGB-Visible Global Browse image, 39km resolution, for data day 2004/290.

RGB-Visible - 39km (≈150kb)
RGB-Thermal - 39km (≈150kb)
Brightness Temperature (day)- 39km (≈150kb)
Brightness Temperature (night)- 39km (≈150kb)
Julian Day:

AIRS/Aqua RGB-Visible Global Browse image, 39km resolution, for data day 2004/289.

AIRS/Aqua RGB-Visible Global Browse image, 39km resolution, for data day 2004/289.

RGB-Visible - 39km (≈150kb)
RGB-Thermal - 39km (≈150kb)
Brightness Temperature (day)- 39km (≈800kb)
Brightness Temperature (night)- 39km (≈150kb)
MODIS/Aqua RGB-Visible Global Browse image, 39km resolution, for data day 2004/289.

MODIS/Aqua RGB-Visible Global Browse image, 39km resolution, for data day 2004/289.

RGB-Visible - 39km (≈150kb)
RGB-Thermal - 39km (≈150kb)
Brightness Temperature (day)- 39km (≈150kb)
Brightness Temperature (night)- 39km (≈150kb)
MODIS/Terra RGB-Visible Global Browse image, 39km resolution, for data day 2004/289.

MODIS/Terra RGB-Visible Global Browse image, 39km resolution, for data day 2004/289.

RGB-Visible - 39km (≈150kb)
RGB-Thermal - 39km (≈150kb)
Brightness Temperature (day)- 39km (≈150kb)
Brightness Temperature (night)- 39km (≈150kb)

The images above are the most recent that we have generated. The overall plan is to generate images for all complete data days for each of the instruments that appear in this gallery. Please visit the GES DISC DAAC data ordering page for more information on the time range associated with each data set.

How are these images created?

Please click on the links below to see the images for that month.

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Responsible NASA Official: Steve Kempler, DAAC manager -- Steven.J.Kempler@nasa.gov
Web Curator: Peggy Eaton -- web-curator@daac.gsfc.nasa.gov
Help Desk: help@daac.gsfc.nasa.gov  Voice:  301-614-5224,  Toll Free:  +1-877-422-1222

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Last Updated: Thu Oct 21 06:02:23 2004 EST