AIRS Data Products

The information on this page is provided to the Open Source Project for a Network Data Access Protocol (formerly Distributed Oceanographic Data System) (OPeNDAP) users. Assuming the users have some knowledge with the OPeNDAP client/server software, the information shown here will direct you to the locations where OPeNDAP enabled data are stored.

Level 1B Products

Data Product


Catalog Info

L1B-AIRS-IR-Rad AIRS Infrared geolocated and calibrated radiances Catalog Info
L1B-Vis/NIR-Rad AIRS Visible/Near Infrared geolocated and calibrated radiances Catalog Info
L1B-AMSU-Rad AIRS Visible/Near Infrared geolocated and calibrated radiances Catalog Info
L1B-HSB-Rad HSB geolocated and calibrated brightness temperature Catalog Info
L1B-AIRS QA Subset AIRS Quality Assurance Subset Catalog Info
L1B-VIS QA Subset AIRS/Vis Quality Assurance Subset Catalog Info

Level 2 Products

Data Product


Catalog Info

L2-RetStd Standard Final Retrieval Product in 28 Standard Pressure Levels Catalog Info
L2-CC Cloud-Cleared IR radiances Catalog Info
L2-RetSup Support Product In 100 Pressure Levels Catalog Info

Go to for a full description of our data sets.
Page Author: Long Pham --
NASA Official: Steve Kempler, DAAC Manager --
Last Updated:Tue Jun 8 15:27:36 EDT 2004