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LP DAAC Data Tools

The following data tools are available for free download through the LP DAAC website.

Name Description
MODIS Reprojection Tool (MRT) This MRT software tool will enable users to read data files in HDF-EOS format (MODIS Level-2G, Level-3, and Level-4 land data products), specify a geographic subset or specific science data sets as input to processing, perform geographic transformation to a different coordinate system/cartographic projection, write the output to file formats other than HDF-EOS, and be executable on Unix (Sun, SGI), Windows (9x, 2000, NT, XP), and Linux systems.
MODIS Land Data Operational Product
Evaluation (LDOPE)
The LDOPE software tools were developed to assist with the analysis and quality assessment of the MODIS Land (MODLAND) products.The tools have been developed with feedback from the MODLAND science team and incorporate the scientific knowledge, experience and insights gained during the substantial MODLAND product development period. These software tools are invoked as stand-alone executables from a command-line interface. The software is supported on Irix, Solaris, Linux, and Windows operating systems.
MODIS Swath Reprojection Tool (MRT Swath) The MRT Swath software tool provides the capability to transform MODIS Level-1B and Level-2 land products from HDF-EOS swath format to a uniformly gridded image that is geographically referenced according to user-specified projection and resampling parameters. Correction for oversampling between scans as a function of increasing (off-nadir) scan angle is performed (correction for bow-tie effect).
New ItemMODIS Data Pool Extraction Tool (MODextract) The MODIS Data Pool Extraction Tool, MODextract, uses the MODIS gridded product type and tile location information in an input parameter file to navigate to the correct location in the LP DAAC Data Pool and enable the data to be transferred to the user's local machine via FTP pull. The MODextract script is downloaded and run locally on an end-user's machine.
Other Tools View a list of tools available for download.

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