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State ASAP Users Group Meeting

March 25, 2003
Washington, DC

Meeting Minutes:

Opening Comments/Remarks:

Christine Ricci, Manager, ASAP Customer Liaison;

Jerry Scribner, Assistant State Treasurer of Oklahoma and State ASAP Customer Board (ACB) Representative

Jerry Scriber, representing the ACB, provided audience members with his background on his long association with ASAP and how it impacts the states.

Project Overview, Project Schedule, and Testing Issues:

Elizabeth Oldenburg, Director, ASAP Program Office; Carol Cole, Senior Program Analyst, Payments Automation Branch

Liz discussed a general project overview of the current schedule of for the participants. The following implementation announcements were made:

Liz also provided information concerning critical dates, stages, and testing process prior to Phase One implementation (November 2003) for the participants as follows:

A general invitation to states to participate in functional and UAT was extended. FMS needs at least two states to assist ASAP in the testing process for Contact Margie Springer, Customer Liaison Team, on 202/874-9276 or by email on

To assist in the transition towards implementation, Carol announced the following enrollment deadlines for ASAP Legacy users:

Carol also informed participants of following timetables of training that will be provided and available:

Question and Answer Session:

Where will the training locations be?

A letter will be sent to all those who have enrolled detailing locations and dates for training. You may also check our Web site ( from time to time.

When will everyone be able to look at or access the system?

Outside of the test participants, the scheduled date for access is November 2003 for pilot participants and December 2003 for all other users. To be a User Acceptance Test participant, please contact Margie Springer on 202/874-9276 or by email on

Is the legacy deadline for new users only?


Will the Department of Defense register for ASAP?

Only a few of DOD areas will use ASAP. Most will use their own system.

Are the Department of Education and Department of Labor going to switch to ASAP?

Yes. The Department of Education begins using when Phase Two is implemented in 2004. The Department of Labor uses HHS’ Payment Management System (PMS) except for processing with Bureau of the Public Debt for Unemployment Trust Fund accounts.

ASAP.GOV Prototype:

Walt Henderson; Manager, Development Team

Chris Tighe; ASAP Payments Module Lead

Walt highlighted the following various features within

Question and Answer Session:

What will the log - on screen look like and how many will there be?

We are working on that right now. There will be only one log on screen unlike the two that we currently have.

Who will assign the requestor s reference number when initiating a payment?

This is an optional field and the data is assigned by the user.

Can we download reports into an ASCII File (text)?

Yes. Reports in can be downloaded in text files (ASCII and comma delineated) and imported to other software programs. Reports can also be downloaded in PDF Files using Adobe Acrobat.

Will we be able to upload a batch payment file?

Batch payments will not be available in Version 1.0. Batch payments will be considered for the next release of (Version 2.0).

Who can modify a payment request?

The payment requestor can modify a payment request. If the Federal Program Agency (FPA) is acting as the payment requestor, the FPA can also modify a payment request.

Once is implemented, do we need the Passport Software?


Will it need to be encrypted?

No. All you need to access is web browser (Netscape or IE) with high security settings. Details on the required security settings will be provided this summer.

How does role based access function in

Only functions that are relevant or operational to the user will be shown on the screen. So the screen shots seen in the presentation are not going to be viewable to you if it’s not an action you are authorized to perform. For example, if you are enrolled as a payment requestor, you will not see the Federal agency functions.

Will book entry adjustments be the same?


Will there be a booklet for help?

We will not be mailing out user manuals but you will be able to download a user guide from the ASAP Web site. You will also be able to get online help within Each screenshot has a “help for this step” feature. There is also a general help button at the top of each one of the screens that will provide step-by-step instructions for each function. We also planto have a CD tutorial that will walk users through the steps necessary to complete each function

Can summary payments be made in


Can reports in be sorted?

A sort function will be available in

Will the available balance be shown for account details?

No, this feature is not available in Version 1.0. Reports in may be downloaded and imported into software that will allow you to sort. A future release of will offer a more robust reporting function.

Will be run parallel with the current system so that we don’t miss processing payment requests while the two systems are in transition?

On December 1, access through the legacy ASAP interface will be turned off and all users will be required to use Access to the legacy interface will only be reinstated in the event of an emergency on December 1. Users should test their ability to access by accessing the training platform prior to December 1. Details on the training platform will be distributed this summer.

Is there a back up process in place in the event that the Internet is not available when a transaction needs to be processed?

Yes, if you are enrolled in the Voice Response System (VRS).

Tips and Tricks of the ASAP Legacy System:

Regina Giandomenico, Financial Program Specialist; Philadelphia Financial Center

Deborah Jackson; Technical Support Specialist; Philadelphia Financial Center

Debbie provided a live presentation on navigation of the ASAP System and gave tips on what to do when locked in the system, how to view multiple ALCs, Create Templates, and showed how to retrieve account information from a beginning date (“As of” feature). Debbie also discussed VRS, Account ID and On-Line Notifications.

Question and Answer Session:

Legacy ASAP

What is the difference between broadcast messages and online notifications?

Broadcast messages provide information regarding ASAP (i.e., such as early closure). Online notifications provide information on ASAP transactions.

When using you will get three types of messages (i.e., homepage notices, homepage prompts that messages are waiting in the notifications sections, and email notices).

Is there a time when non-use of the system will not allow users to login?

Yes, after six months your logon ID is suspended and after nine months it will be deleted and you must re-submit your paperwork for a new ID.

How can notifications be printed?

By holding the “Ctrl” and “L” keys.

Legacy ASAP and

How often can an old password be used?

For, a password cannot be re-used within 10 consecutive password changes. For Legacy ASAP, a password cannot be re-used within 6 consecutive password changes.

ACH transactions can be cancelled but not wires -- correct?


What is the longest date to search for payment information or do an inquiry?

You can search on the entire history of the account in 93 day increments.

Will there be an access cut off as to how long notifications will remain available (number of days from the time they were first sent)?
Yes. Ten days for read and 32 days for unread notifications.

Will users have to re-enroll to use

No, for users will be given a new user ID and temporary password. Users will be required to change their password and updated their contact information at time of first login.

Will there be a change in how passwords will be reset -- do we request to reset the password?

While the Regional Finance Center’s may be the point of contact, the process is still to be determined.

Will there be special characters needed when creating the password for

Yes, at least 1 Uppercase, 1 Lowercase, 1 number, and 1 symbol are required.

Will have the same cancel schedule times as the current system?


Will there be a 93- day increment to research actions in also?

The increments will remain the same. Reports will go 367 days back.

What will the impact be on Account Management Agent (AMA) with

Discussions are underway on moving AMA to the same Treasury Web Application Infrastructure as A decision is pending. In either case, AMA will continue to interface with ASAP.

Will messages that apply to the account be sent to all users or only to users that initiated the action?

Depending on the action within, the system will generate either an email message, a notification, or a home page message.

Cash Management Improvement Act Issues:

Fred Williams; Program Manager; CMIA

Fred covered the following topics in his presentation:

Question and Answer Session:

What happens when States us their own funds when Fed funds are not available?

The states should be compensated. Much like it was with the continuing resolution.

Post issuance is an issue for “participant”. Lets assume we are the year-end and you don’t have the authority to draw down from the grant. Is it risky to make expenditures without fund authority even though you know its coming?

Yes, you shouldn't spend what you don’t have.


The ASAP System and the Unemployment Trust Fund:

Matt Smargiasso; Manager; Trust Fund Management Branch; Bureau of Public Debt (BPD)

Mark Ross; Accountant; Trust Fund Management Branch; BPD

Adam Tucci; Team Leader; Electronic Commerce and System Development Team, Trust Fund Management Branch; BPD

Jennifer Criss; IT Specialist; Electronic Commerce and System Development Team, Trust Fund Management Branch; BPD

Matt, Mark, Adam, and Jen provided a general overview on how the UTF and the ASAP System Co exist and showed the relationship between DOL, BPD, STATES and ASAP.

The following advantages for getting reports from were detailed:

Question and Answer Session:

Will we have to continue to have separate accounts (Benefit Accounts and UNE- Trust accounts)?

Yes, you don’t want to commingle funds. Ultimately, it will be a DOL decision.

What about data that is corrected through the back door?

BPD went in and backed out funds that were drawn down against the wrong state. They went in as if they were a state themselves in order to make the correction and never notified the state that was affected. ASAP.

ASAP is going to address this issue and send notifications of actions.

The Fax back/User Inquiry Request for Reports feature are not sending back reports.

Participant is advised to contact the RFC in his area, San Francisco, to have the profile adjusted. The RFC will work to notify the FED.

Will reports on be similar to the BPD reports?

No, uses the Applied date in their reports while BPD shows Date payment sent for issuance.

Participant suggested that we change the states characters to four (4) letters rather then two in order to avoid the mistakes in drawdowns for the wrong state .

ASAP is switching to spelling out the entire states name to address this issue.

Conclusion Session:

Participants were thanked for attending and reminded to complete their evaluation sheet.

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