Great Leaders for Great Government- The Federal Executive Institute and Management Development Centers
Executive Development Seminar: Leading Change
Getting the Big Picture for Tomorrow Right—Today

Dates Location Cost
Nov 29 - Dec 10, 04 EMDC $3,900.00
Jan 24 - Feb 4, 05 EMDC $4,000.00
Feb 7 - Feb 18, 05 WMDC $4,000.00
Feb 21 - Mar 4, 05 EMDC $4,000.00
Apr 18 - Apr 29, 05 WMDC $4,000.00
May 2 - May 13, 05 EMDC $4,000.00
Jun 20 - Jul 1, 05 WMDC $4,000.00
Jul 11 - Jul 22, 05 EMDC $4,000.00
Aug 8 - Aug 19, 05 EMDC $4,000.00
Aug 22 - Sep 2, 05 WMDC $4,000.00
Sep 19 - Sep 30, 05 EMDC $4,000.00
Oct 31 - Nov 10, 05 EMDC $4,000.00
Course includes meals, lodging, tuition and course materials

Leadership Competencies emphasized in this seminar
External Awareness
Oral Communication
Political Savvy
Strategic Thinking
The Executive Development Seminar is aimed at highly effective managers: those considered by their agencies to have the potential to transition to the Senior Executive Service (SES). The seminar focuses on developmental activities designed to strengthen the ability of senior managers to make that transition.

The seminar approaches leading change from a high level—involving structure, strategy, and policy. During the course, participants actually design or redesign an agency, select mission-critical goals, and complete a results-oriented strategic plan that is aligned with the President's Management Agenda. The participants write a leader's vision, define mission-related goals, and determine which governmental agencies, Congressional committees, and special interest groups are appropriate partners. This interactive process requires the executives to act strategically, communicate orally in a variety of settings, and interact positively with external constituencies.

Sessions are highly interactive and led by hands-on experts and skilled academics. Content covers relevant issues and policy directions. Media and press conference exercises allow executives to learn the ins and outs of oral communication, building alliances, and improving political savvy. The participants also discuss leadership in the context of today's realities and examine the responsibilities necessary to maintain an ethical environment.

As a prerequisite, this course assumes that the participant has had previous leadership training. Participants have the opportunity during the course to hone their leadership skills in several experiential activities, simulations, and group projects.

Key Results

  • Demonstrate and acquire new techniques and approaches for leading change within the Federal Government
  • Construct a map of the political environment addressing the various constituencies involved in a given policy
  • Enhance skills in planning and delivering results-oriented performance
  • Improve political savvy by identifying valuable partnerships and coalitions
  • Better understand the interrelationship of the legislative and executive branches
  • Deal effectively with external constituencies
  • Improve executive communication skills
  • Understand the leader's responsibility for managing an ethical organization

Who Should Attend

Experienced managers. The seminar is specifically designed to meet the interagency training requirements for SES Federal Candidate Development Program enrollees.

*College Credit Available Through the Master of Public Policy Program

How to Apply:  Register online at or call 304-870-8008

For general information call 1-888-676-9632