Eat 5 to 9 a day for better health
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5 A Day Publication Index

Program Background and Science

5 A Day General Information

Butrum RR, Clifford CK, Lanza E. NCI dietary guidelines: rationale. Am J Clin Nutr 1988;48:888-895.

Foerster SB, Kizer KW, DiSogra LK, Bal DG, Krieg BK, and Bunch KL. California's 5 a Day - for Better Health! Campaign: An innovative population-based effort to effect large-scale dietary change. Am J Prev Med II (2): 124-131, 1995.

Havas S, Heimendinger J, Reynolds K, Baranowski T, Nicklas T, Bishop D, Buller D, Sorensen G, Beresford SAA, Cowan A, Damron D. 5 a day for better health: a new research initiative. J Am Diet Assoc 94(1):32-36, 1994.

Havas S, Heimdinger J, Damrom D, Nicklas T, Cowan A, Beresford SAA, Sorenson G, Buller D, Bishop D, Baranowski T, Reynolds K. 5 A Day for better health: nine community research projects to increase fruit and vegetable consumption. Public Health Reports. 110(1): 68-79, 1995.

Heimendinger J, Van Duyn MA, Chapelsky D, Foerster S, and Stables G. The national 5 a day for better health program: a large-scale nutrition intervention. J Public Health Management and Practice, 2(2):27-35, 1996.

Heimendinger J, Forester S, Kaufman M, and Light L. Nutrition and cancer prevention activities in state health agencies. Health Education Research 5(4): December, 1990.

Heimendinger J, Van Duyn MAS. Dietary behavior change: the challenge of recasting the role of fruit and vegetables in the American diet. Am J Clin Nutr.1995;61(suppl):1397S-401S.

Key Initiatives

Lead The Way: 5 A Day Month

Men eat 9 a day

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