Eat 5 to 9 a day for better health
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5 A Day Publication Index

Program Background and Science

Dietary Assessment

Baranowski T, Smith M, Baranowski J, Wang DT, Doyle C, Lin L, Davis Hearn M, Resnicow K. Validity of a simple fruit and vegetable food frequency questionnaire among 3rd grade children. J. Am. Diet. Assoc. 97:66-68, 1997.

Campbell MK, Polhamus B, McClelland JW, Bennett K, Kalsbeek W, Coole D, Jackson B, Demark-Wahnefried W. Assessing fruit and vegetable consumption in a 5 a day study targeting rural Africian Americans: the issue of portion size. J Am Diet Assoc 96:1040-1042, 1996.

Campbell MK, Polhamus B, Jackson B, Cowan A, Demark W, McClelland J. Culturally sensitive dietary assessment in a rural African American population. Am J Clin Nutr 65(suppl): 1364S, 1997.

Eldridge AL, Smith-Warner SA, Lytle LA, Murray DM. Comparison of 3 methods for counting fruits and vegetables for fourth-grade students in the Minnesota 5 A Day Power Plus Program. J Am Diet Assoc. 1998; 98:777-782

Field AE, Colditz GA, Fox MK, Byers T, Serdula M, Bosch RJ, Peterson KE. Comparison of 4 Questionnaires for Assessment of Fruit and Vegetable Intake. American Journal of Public Health. 1998;88:1216-1218

Krebs-Smith SM, Progress in Improving Diet to Reduce Cancer Risk. Cancer 1998;83:1425-32.

Krebs-Smith SM, Cook A, Subar AF, Cleveland L, Friday J. US Adults’ Fruit and Vegetable Intakes, 1989 to 1991: A Revised Baseline for the Healthy People 2000 Objective. Am J Public Health. 1995;85:1623-1629

Lechner L, Brug J. Consumption of fruit and vegetables: how to motivate the population to change their behavior. Cancer Letters 114(1997) 335-336.

Lechner L, Brug J, De Vries H. Misconceptions of Fruit and Vegetable Consumption: Differences between objective and Subjective Estimation of Intake. JNE. 1997;29:313-320.

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