Eat 5 to 9 a day for better health
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5 A Day Publication Index

Program Background and Science

International Initiatives

Dixon H, Ron Borland R, Segan C, Stafford H, Sindall C. Public Reaction to Victoria’s “2 Fruit ‘n’ 5 Veg Every Day” Campaign and Reported Consumption of Fruit and Vegetables. Preventive Medicine. 1998;27:572-582.

Health Promotion Services. Barriers to increased fruit and vegetable consumption. Health Promotion Services Nutrition Bulletin1996;No. 3

Health Promotion Services. Children’s Fruit and Vegetable Campaign—Fruit ‘n’ Veg. Eat it! Health Promotion Services Nutrition Bulletin. 1996: No. 2

Lechner L, Brug J. Consumption of fruit and vegetables: how to motivate the population to change their behavior. Cancer Letters 114(1997) 335-336.

Lechner L, Brug J, De Vries H. Misconceptions of Fruit and Vegetable Consumption: Differences between objective and Subjective Estimation of Intake. JNE. 1997;29:313-320.

Miller MR, Pollard CM, Coli T. Western Australian Health Department recommendations for fruit and vegetable consumption – how much is enough? Aust N Z J Public Health. 1997;21:638-42.

Paterson DA, Miller MR. Meeting the challenges of marketing fruit and vegetables to children. Department of Community Services and Health. National Dietary Survey of School Children, Canberra: AGPS, 1985.

Key Initiatives

Lead The Way: 5 A Day Month

Men eat 9 a day

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