Eat 5 to 9 a day for better health
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5 A Day Publication Index



Beresford SAA, Shannon J, McLerran D, Thompson B. Seattle 5 A Day worksite project: Process evaluation. Health Educ Behav. 2000;27(2) (in press).

Buller D, Buller M, Larkey L, Taren D, Aickin M, Wentzel T. Implementing a 5 A Day peer health educator program for public sector and trades employees. Health Behav Educ. 2000;27(2):232-40.

Cullen KW, Baranowski T, Davis Hearn M, Baranowski J, Hebert D, de Moor C. School functioning as moderating the impact of a teacher wellness program. J School Health. (in press).

Hunt MK, Stoddard AM, Peterson K, Sorensen G, Hebert JR, Cohen N. Comparison of dietary assessment measures in the Treatwell: 5 A-Day Worksite Study. J Am Dietetic Assoc. 1998;98:1021-1023.

Hunt MK, Lederman R, stoddard A, Potter S, Phillips J, Sorenson G. Process Tracking Results from the Treatwell 5-A-Day Worksite Study. Am J Health Promot. 2000 Jan-Feb; 14 (3):179-87.

Larkey, LK, Alatorre C, Buller DB, Morrill C, Klein Buller M, Taren D, Sennott-Miller L. Communications Strategies for Dietary Change in a Worksite Peer Educator Intervention. Health Educ Res 1999 Dec: 14 (6): 777-90.

Sorensen G, Stoddard A, Peterson K, Cohen N, Hunt MK, Stein E, Palombo R, and Lederman R. Increasing Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Through Worksites and Families in the Treatwell 5-a-Day Study. Am J Public Health. 1999;89:54-60

Thompson B, Shannon J, Beresford SAA, Jacobson PE, Ewings JA. Implementation Aspects of the Seattle "5 a Day" Intervention Project: Strategies to Help Employees Make Dietary Change. Topics in Clinical Nutrition 11 (1) 58-75, 1995.

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