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Unsolicited Grants

The Fall 2004 Unsolicited Grant competition is now closed.
Applications received after October 1, 2004 will be returned.
Please check back in mid-November for additional information on the Spring 2005 competitions.

Notification of receipt of application letters will be mailed to all project directors within three weeks following the deadline.

Types of Projects Funded

Spring 2005 Unsolicited Grants

Deadline: March 1, 2005 (receipt)
Notification: September 30, 2005

The Unsolicited Program is open to any project that fits within the Institute's general mandate of international conflict resolution.

Unsolicited grants are offered across a broad range of relevant disciplines, skills, and approaches. Topic areas of interest to the Institute include, but are not restricted to: international conflict resolution; diplomacy; negotiation theory; functionalism and "track two" diplomacy; methods of third-party dispute settlement; international law; international organizations and collective security; deterrence and balance of power; arms control; psychological theories about international conflict; the role of nonviolence and nonviolent sanctions; moral and ethical thought about conflict and conflict resolution; and theories about relationships among political institutions, human rights, and conflict. The Institute sets no disciplinary restrictions. It welcomes proposals of an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary nature.

For More Information

For additional information about the work of the Grant Program please send an e-mail to grants@usip.org.


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