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  farm financial & risk management

Farm financial and risk management covers a complex variety of activities, such as obtaining assets for the farming business, servicing debt, coping with uncertain production and prices, and allocating farm family resources. ERS analysts track farm financial conditions and conduct research on factors that affect farm financial performance and the use of risk management practices such as crop and revenue insurance, futures and options, and contracting.

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ARMS Farm Financial Management, Household Finances, and Operator Characteristics Data—Newly updated to 2001. Tables, graphs, and downloadable spreadsheets on farm business finances and characteristics and farm households from the Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS). Also includes information on farm household finances, and farm operator and operation characteristics classified by the ERS typology from ARMS data.(9/02)

web administration: webadmin@ers.usda.gov
updated: September 26, 2002

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• ARMS Update Newsletter

• Risk, Government Programs, and the Environment

• Farm Sector and Household Income Forecast for 2004

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