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Agricultural Bioterrorism: A Federal Strategy to Meet the Threat. BOOK. 2002. Reviews the nature and threat of agricultural bioterrorism and examines present national capabilities and plans to meet the threat. Proposes a USDA-led Federal strategy, including partnerships with key public and private organizations, which could strengthen American ability to prevent, respond to, and remediate biological attacks against national food and agriculture infrastructures. 0-16-067170-1 S/N 008-020-01509-1 -- $9.00 Air War Over America: September 11 Alters Face of Air Defense Mission. BOOK. 2003. Describes America's air sovereignty mission in the wake of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. 0-16-067827-7 S/N 008-000-00907-4 -- $34.00 All Possible Wars? Toward a Consensus View of the Future Security Environment, 2001-2025. BOOK. 2000. Provides analytical support for the Quadrennial Defense Review of 2001 (QDR2001), a comprehensive, Congressionally-mandated review of United States military strategy, policy, and force structure. 0-16-061437-6 S/N 008-020-01487-7 -- $18.00 Army Logistician, Professional Bulletin of United States
Army Logistics. SUBSCRIPTION. LIST ID ALOG. Issued bimonthly. Provides
timely and authoritative information on United States Army logistics plans,
policies, doctrine, procedures, operations, and developments to the Active
Army, Army National Guard, and United States Army Reserve. Subscription
price: Domestic - $23.00 a year; Foreign - $32.20 a year. Single copy
price: Domestic - $6.50 a copy; Foreign - $9.10a copy. File Code 2N. S/N 708-012-00000-9 -- $23.00 Assessing the Soviet Threat: The Early Cold War Years. BOOK. 1997. The documents in this volume were produced by the analytical arm of the CIA and its predecessor, the Central Intelligence Group, between the latter's founding in 1946 and 1950. Focuses on the task of intelligence analysis. Contains reproductions of declassified documents. 0-16-058825-1 S/N 041-015-00191-4 -- $43.00 At Cold War's End: United States Intelligence on the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, 1989-1991. BOOK. 1999. Prepared for a conference on "United States Intelligence and the End of the Cold War." Contains declassified CIA documents of intelligence on the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe covering the years 1989-1991. Includes United States national Intelligence Estimates and other intelligence assessments. S/N 041-015-00204-0 -- $44.00 Best Practices for Seizing Electronic Evidence, Version 2.0. BOOK. 2002. Designed to help the investigator to develop a basic understanding of key technical and legal factors regarding searching and seizing electronic storage devices and media. 0-16-067392-5 S/N 008-047-00410-9 -- $14.50 (Out of Stock) Caribbean Security on the Eve of the 21st Century. BOOK. 1996. Provides a balanced account of the events in the 1970s and 1980s that defined the United States-Caribbean security relationship during the later years of the Cold War. Discusses the impact of the Cold War on this relationship, and Caribbean responses designed to balance cooperation with the United States and other regional powers in areas of mutual interest, while at the same timeprotecting their sovereignty. Shows how the end of the Cold War has fundamentally changed the way we view not only security, but also each other as partners in an emerging interdependent security rela 0-16-061192-X S/N 008-020-01412-5 -- $6.50 Central Intelligence: Origin and Evolution. BOOK. 2001. Contains a collection of key documents which chronicle the role and growth of the Central Intelligence Agency from 1945 to 2000. 0-16-067350-X S/N 041-015-00222-8 -- $24.00 Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: Strategy Essay Competition, Essays . . .
Chairmanship of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1949-1999. BOOK. 2001. Gives a historical perspective on the development of the chairmanship as an institution as well as on the Chairman's and Vice Chairman's role in the formation and implementation of our national security policy. Sheds light on civil-military relations at the highest level during the Cold War and its immediate aftermath. Provides valuable insight into the interaction of individuals,circumstances, and law, which produced the chairmanship as we know it today. 0-16-050638-7 S/N 008-000-00835-3 -- $58.00 Challenges of the Global Century: Report of the Project on Globalization and National Security. BOOK/CD-ROM. 2001. Presents the results of an 18-month research project designed to assess the strategic consequences of globalization and its implications for United States national security anddefense policy. System requirements: Can run on UNIX (Sun Solaris, Linux, SGI IRX, HP-UX, DEC Alpha, IBN AIX); PC with MS Windows 95; or Macintosh System 7.5.3. 0-16-050825-8 S/N 008-020-01496-6 -- $9.00 CIA and the Vietnam Policymakers: Three Episodes, 1962-1968. BOOK. 1998. Recently declassified study by a former CIA officer reviews the Intelligence Community's analytic performance during the Vietnam era. Focuses on the efforts of CIA analysts and offersa candid view of the CIA's intelligence assessments concerning Vietnam during three episodes between 1962 and 1968, as well as the reactions of senior United States policymakers to those assessments. 0-16-058820-0 S/N 041-015-00186-8 -- $9.50 Clausewitzian Friction and Future War. BOOK. 1996. Examines the question of whether Clausewitzian friction would succumb to the changes in leading-edge warfare that may lie ahead, or whether such impediments reflect more enduring aspects of war that technology can only affect marginally. Clausewitzian friction refers to the theory by Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1831) that reality exerts a kind of friction on ideas and intentions in war. This term is commonly associated with the diverse difficulties and impediments to the effective use of military force. 0-16-061179-2 S/N 008-020-01410-9 -- $9.50 (Out of Stock) Code of Federal Regulations, Title 32, National Defense, Revised July 1, 2003:
Command, Control, and the Common Defense. BOOK. 1996. Provides a historical perspective on a contemporary problem: the tradition of service separatism in the American military establishment. Deals with the problems embodied in separatism, as well as discusses the elements contributing to separate service identities and how these elements have affected interservice relationships. Addresses the technological choices made in modernizingthe command and control systems used by the Armed Forces of the United States. 0-16-053377-5 S/N 008-020-01414-1 -- $25.00 Compilation of Intelligence Laws and Related Laws and Executive Orders of Interest to the National Intelligence Community, As Amended Through March 25, 2003, June 2003. BOOK. 2003. Contains appropriations and other acts relating to the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Council, and other Federal intelligence agencies. Includesthe USA Patriot Act and Title 2 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002. 0-16-051334-0 S/N 052-070-07369-1 -- $63.00 (Out of Stock) Conduct of the Persian Gulf Conflict: An Interim Report to Congress, 1991. BOOK. 1991. Reflects many of the preliminary impressions formed by the Department of Defense since the cessation of hostilities. Responds to 37 questions from Congress. Includes battle maps. 0-16-035895-7 S/N 008-000-00589-3 -- $25.00 Decisive Force: Strategic Bombing in the Gulf War. BOOK. 1996. Discusses the strategic bombing by the United States Air Force in the Persian Gulf War. 0-16-061368-X S/N 008-070-00710-0 -- $10.50 Defending the West: The United States Air Force and European Security, 1946-1998. BOOK. 1999. Attempts to give the general reader some sense of the role the United States Air Force has played in Europe since the end of World War II. S/N 008-070-00753-3 -- $4.25 Defiant Again: Indigenous Peoples and Latin American Security. BOOK. 1996. Explores the complex nexus of security issues that the governments of Latin America and the indigenous communities of the region face at the end of the 20th century. 0-16-061191-1 S/N 008-020-01411-7 -- $7.50 Democratic Ideals and Reality: A Study in the Politics of Reconstruction by the Right Honourable Sir Halford J. Mackinder. BOOK. 1942. Demonstrates the strategic effect of geography on the relations among nations. 0-16-061145-8 S/N 008-020-01257-2 -- $15.00 Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2004, Public Law 108-87. BOOK. 2003. An Act Making Appropriations for the Department of Defense for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2004, and for Other Purposes. Approved September 30, 2003. S/N 869-049-00087-5 -- $4.75 (Out of Stock) Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2004, Public Law 108-90. BOOK. 2003. An Act Making Appropriations for the Department of Homeland Security for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2004, and for Other Purposes. Approved October 1, 2003. S/N 869-049-00090-5 -- $2.50 (Out of Stock) Development of the Base Force, 1989-1992. BOOK. 1993. Describes the events which led to the first major overhaul of United States military strategy since World War II. Includes the basic elements of the Base Force Concept along with principal personalities and entities involved with its development, such as General Colin Powell and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. 0-16-043018-6 S/N 008-000-00642-3 -- $7.00 Directions for Defense: Report of the Commission on Roles and Missions of the Armed Forces. BOOK. 1995. Includes recommendations, grouped in terms of joint military operations, efficient and responsive support, and improved management and direction. Designed to improve joint military operations. 0-16-048064-7 S/N 008-000-00670-9 -- $18.00 Effects of ... on the National Security:
Egypt at the Crossroads: Domestic Stability and Regional Role. BOOK. 1999. Contains papers originally prepared for two conferences, one on Egypt's domestic stability held in Washington, the other on Egypt's regional role, held in Cairo. S/N 008-020-01470-2 -- $20.00 Emergency Response to Terrorism: Job Aid. BOOK. 2000. Assists emergency response personnel in identifying a possible terrorist/WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) incident and implementing initial actions. Identifies strategic and tacticalconsiderations that should be assessed within the first hour of an incident. 0-16-050517-8 S/N 064-000-00027-6 -- $11.00 (Out of Stock) Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense and for the Reconstruction of Iraq and Afghanistan, 2004, Public Law 108-106. BOOK. 2003. Approved November 6, 2003. S/N 869-049-00106-5 -- $3.00 (Out of Stock) Ensuring Public Safety and National Security Under the Rule of Law: A Report to the American People on the Work of the FBI, 1993-1998. BOOK. 1999. Contains a report to the American people of the various activities and responsibilities of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from 1993 to 1998. 0-16-050017-6 S/N 027-001-00077-7 -- $10.00 Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (9-11 Commission). BOOK. 2004. 0-16-072304-3 S/N 041-015-00236-8 -- $13.25 Foreign Relations of the United States:
Global Century: Globalization and National Security, Volumes 1-2. BOOKS. 2001. Discusses the phenomenon called globalization, the international interaction of information, financial capital, commerce, technology, and labor. Volume 1 examines globalization's impact on world affairs and the task of forging responsive policies and strategies. Volume 2 provides additional in-depth analyses of global and regional trends, and of policies for dealing with them. 0-16-061722-7 S/N 008-020-01495-8 -- $62.00 Global Trends, 2015: A Dialogue About the Future With Nongovernment Experts. BOOK. 2000. Takes a look at the world over the next 15 years from the perspective of the national security policymaker. Reflects an Intelligence Community fully engaged with outside experts in a constructive dialogue about the future. Estimates the impact on the world of demography and natural resources, technology, globalization and governance, likely conflicts and prospects for international cooperation, and the role of the United States. 0-16-061598-4 S/N 041-015-00211-2 -- $26.50 Globalization and Maritime Power. BOOK. 2002. Focuses on the direct impact of globalization on naval forces and maritime aspects of commerce and international relations. Translates the general knowledge that we have learned aboutthe phenomenon of globalization into the language of strategy and defense policy. Provides our national security leaders with analyses that can be directly applied to some of the problems and issues that we will face in the future security environment. 0-16-067639-8 S/N 008-020-01519-9 -- $49.00 Glossary: Defense Acquisition Acronyms and Terms, 2003. BOOK. 2003. Contains most acronyms, abbreviations, and terms commonly used in the weapon systems acquisition process within the Department of Defense (DoD) and defense industries. Focuses on terms with generic DoD applicatin and a few service unique terms. 0-16-067929-X S/N 008-020-01530-0 -- $28.00 Growing Global Migration and Its Implications for the United States. BOOK. 2001. Contains the unclassified version of a new National Intelligence Estimate on the growing global movement of people and its implications for the United States. 0-16-061776-6 S/N 041-015-00215-5 -- $24.00 Growth in Medical Spending by the Department of Defense. BOOK. 2003. Examines reasons for the increase in spending on medical care by the Department of Defense from fiscal years 1998-2003. Also considers directions in future medical spending. 0-16-051486-X S/N 052-070-07402-7 -- $6.50 Homeland Security Act of 2002, Public Law 107-296. BOOK. 2002. An Act to Establish the Department of Homeland Security, and for Other Purposes. Approved November 25, 2002. S/N 869-046-00160-1 -- $15.00 (Out of Stock) Humanitarian Operations in Northern Iraq, 1991: With Marines in Operation Provide Comfort. BOOK. 1995. Tells the story of more than 3,600 United States Marines who supported Operation Provide Comfort, an international relief effort in northern Iraq from April 7 to July 15, 1991. Focuses on Marine activities and contributions. Presents historical glimpses of the Kurds, modern Iraq, and non-Marine activities only to provide necessary background information. Defines Provide Comfort's place in the diplomatic history of the Middle East. 0-16-061346-9 S/N 008-055-00199-4 -- $18.00 Ideas and Weapons. BOOK. 1953. Explores some of the background of the contemporary air weapon. Attempts to distill from past experience in the development of air material those lessons which might be of help in formulating policies for exploiting the air weapons more successfully in the future. 0-16-061373-6 S/N 008-070-00722-3 -- $19.00 In Defense of the Nation, DIA at Forty Years. BOOK. 2001. Traces the Defense Intelligence Agency's (DIA) history ending with a thorough discussion of DIA as the combat support agency it is today. Gives special attention to DIA's evolving technology, its facilities, and methods of operation. 0-16-067553-7 S/N 008-000-00894-9 -- $68.50 Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, Public Law 108-177 Public Law 108-177. H.R. 2417. Approved December 13, 2003. EST. DELIVERY DATE 01/31/04. S/N 869-049-00177-4 -- $3.50 (Out of Stock) Investment Castings: A National Security Assessment, December 1987. BOOK. 2002. S/N 003-009-00702-0 -- $13.50 (Out of Stock) Joint Chiefs of Staff and National Policy, Volume 7, 1957-1960. BOOK. 2000. Part of a series designed to provide an account of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) activity in peacetime and during times of crisis. Valuable for instructional purposes, for the orientation of officers newly assigned to the JCS organization and as a source of information for staff studies. This volume describes JCS activities during the period 1957-1960, except for activities related to Indochina, which are covered in a separate series. 0-16-050039-7 S/N 008-000-00743-8 -- $43.00 Joint Force Quarterly, A Professional Military Journal. SUBSCRIPTION. LIST ID JFQ. Issued quarterly. Published for officers of the Armed Forces to promote understanding of the integrated employment of land, sea, air, space, and special operations forces. This journal focuses on joint doctrine, coalition warfare, contingency planning, operations conducted by the unified commands, and joint forces development. Subscription price: Domestic - $20.00 ayear; Foreign - $28.00 a year. Single copy price: Domestic - $15.00 a copy; Foreign - $21.00 a copy. File Code 2R. S/N 708-090-00000-0 -- $20.00 Legacy in the Sand: The United States Army Armament, Munitions and Chemical Command in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. BOOK. 1993. Provides a history of the command's activities in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, 1990-1991, in the Persian Gulf. Includes sections on: prelude to war; deployment to the desert; production and procurement; logistics and logistics assistance representatives; ammunition; operations; conclusion; and glossary. Contains black and white photographs. 0-16-061106-7 S/N 008-000-00626-1 -- $26.50 Long-Term Implications of Current Defense Plans. BOOK. 2003. Addresses the implications of the Bush Administration's defense plans for both resources and forces. 0-16-051266-2 S/N 052-070-07356-0 -- $21.00 Major Powers in Northeast Asian Security. BOOK. 1996. Addresses the future roles and interests of the four major Asia-Pacific powers, the United States, Japan, China, and Russia, and how their policies will affect security in Northeast Asia, specifically, in the Korean Peninsula. 0-16-061188-1 S/N 008-020-01404-4 -- $6.00 Military Intelligence. BOOK. 1998. Presents an organizational history of Military Intelligence (MI) in the United States Army from its beginnings to the present. Includes the lineages and heraldic items of military intelligence brigades, groups, and battalions organized under tables of organization and equipment. 0-16-048828-1 S/N 008-029-00332-5 -- $45.00 Military Intelligence Story: A Photographic History. BOOK. 1998. Illustrates the multifacted diversity of modern Military Intelligence (MI). Aims to portray both the continuities between the past and the present and the successes of the MI community today. Consists chiefly of photographs which represent the different intelligence disciplines and depict a representative sampling of the organizations within the MI community. 0-16-049335-8 S/N 008-020-01438-9 -- $21.00 Mind the Gap: Promoting a Transatlantic Revolution in Military Affairs. BOOK. 1999. Addresses the problem of the growing disparity in combat capability between European and United States forces. Lays out a multi-tiered strategy for its solution which is specific and practical, including processes and procedures for implementation. 0-16-061224-1 S/N 008-020-01457-5 -- $7.00 Mitterand Legacy and the Future of French Security Policy. BOOK. 1995. Discusses the background, concepts and doctrine, military trends, and institutional developments of the Mitterand legacy. 0-16-061179-2 S/N 008-020-01369-2 -- $4.25 Modern United States Civil-Military Relations: Wielding the Terrible Swift Sword. BOOK. 1997. Argues that the demands placed by military officers on the provisions of the Dayton agreement reflect a steady increase in the influence of military officers in crafting defense policy, rather than the recognition of any lessons learned in Somalia or Haiti. 0-16-061203-9 S/N 008-020-01429-0 -- $8.50 Modernization in Lean Times: Modifications and Upgrades, Report of the DSMC (Defense Systems Military College) 1994-1995 Military Research Fellows. BOOK. 1995. Summarizes an 11-month research fellowship by three Military Research Fellows. Provides an advanced professional education for selected military officers from the Army, Navy, and Air Force, and an independent report in an area of interest to the Department of Defense (DoD) acquisition community. The topic of this year's research is modifications and upgrades. Gives a concise top level review of the DoD regulations, policies, and guidance pertaining to major weapon system's Modification and Upgrades. 0-16-048157-0 S/N 008-020-01366-8 -- $14.00 Multilateral Activities in South East Asia: The 1995 Pacific Symposium. BOOK. 1995. Includes papers presented at the 1995 Pacific Symposium. Reflects the views of many Asia-Pacific nations regarding the rise of multilateralism in South East Asia. Papers presented areon the five subtopics of the symposium: the South East Asia Perspective; the South East Asia Environment, View from the Peripheral Nations; AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade Area), APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation), and the WTO (World Trade Organization): How Do They Fit Together?; How Much and What Kind of Multilateralism? and A Look Toward the Future. Focuses on the importance of marketing among Pac 0-16-047999-1 S/N 008-020-01368-4 -- $17.00 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 108th Congress 1st Session EST. DELIVERY DATE 11/14/03. S/N 052-071-01401-2 -- $61.00 (Out of Stock) National Military Strategy of the United States of America: Shape, Respond, Prepare Now: A Military Strategy for a New Era. BOOK. 1997. Describes the strategy, "Shape, Respond, Prepare Now: A Military Strategy for a New Era." Explains the strategic direction of the Armed Forces in implementing the guidance in the President's "A National Security Strategy for a New Century" and the Defense Secretary's "Report of the Quadrennial Defense Review." 0-16-061127-X S/N 008-000-00720-9 -- $6.50 National Security Assessment of the ... Industry:
National Security Strategy for a Global Age. BOOK. 2000. Describes the United States' National Security strategy objectives. 0-16-050651-4 S/N 040-000-00741-5 -- $10.00 National Strategy for Homeland Security. BOOK. 2002. Written to mobilize and organize the nation to secure the United States homeland from terrorist attacks. Provides direction to the Federal government departments and agencies that have a role in homeland security. Suggests three steps that State and local governments, private companies and organizations, and individual Americans can take to improve our security and offers incentives for them to do so. Recommends certain actions to the Congress and provides a framework for contributions to secure the homeland. 0-16-051156-1 S/N 040-000-00759-8 -- $17.00 (Out of Stock) NATO Enlargement and Central Europe: A Study in Civil-Military Relations. BOOK. 1996. Covers the transition from socialist to democratic political principles in Central Europe. Recounts the political history of four countries--Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia--since the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact. Seeks to explain why these nations are striving to meet the criteria for inclusion in a NATO enlargement program. 0-16-061194-6 S/N 008-020-01417-6 -- $22.00 NATO From Berlin to Bosnia: Trans-Atlantic Security in Transition. BOOK. 1995. Discusses the changing role of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in the first five years following the tearing down of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Warsaw Pact in 1989. Includes sections on: the breakup of the former Yugoslavia; questions about which countries should belong to NATO; notes; and a bibliography. 0-16-061174-1 S/N 008-020-01350-1 -- $4.00 NATO's Future: Beyond Collective Defense. BOOK. 1995. Assesses the current state of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Suggests a package of political measures and institutional reforms that could be included in a new transatlantic bargain designed to revitalize the alliance and reform the organization. 0-16-061181-4 S/N 008-020-01388-9 -- $4.75 Nuclear Coexistence: Rethinking United States Policy to Promote Stability in an Era of Proliferation. BOOK. 1994. Addresses the emerging incongruence between the proliferation of nuclear weapons and the United States policy for managing this process. 0-16-061362-0 S/N 008-070-00695-2 -- $19.00 On the Front Lines of the Cold War: Documents on the Intelligence War in Berlin, 1946-1961. BOOK. 1999. Published in conjunction with a conference entitled "On the Front Lines of the Cold War: The Intelligence War in Berlin, 1946-1961." Contains documents dealing with the intelligence war in Berlin from 1945 until the building of the Berlin Wall in 1961. These documents represent a detailed picture of a side of the Cold War long withheld from the general public. 0-16-059036-1 S/N 041-015-00202-3 -- $67.00 Parameters: Journal of the United States Army War College. SUBSCRIPTION. LIST ID PAR. Issued quarterly. A forum expressing professional thought on the art and science of warfare, national and international security, military history, strategy, leadership, and management. Subscription price: Domestic - $26.00 a year; Foreign - $36.40 a year. Single copy price: Domestic - $17.00 a copy; Foreign - $23.80 a copy. File Code 2R. 0-16-010324-X S/N 708-055-00000-0 -- $26.00 Personal Security for the American Business Traveler Overseas. BOOK. 1998. Provides specific security guidelines for Americans who travel abroad on business. 0-16-061931-9 S/N 044-000-02513-2 -- $2.25 Planning for Post-Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction. BOOK. 1998. Helps community leaders and planners educate their constituents on how informed decisions and choices can affect the rebuilding process and yield a safer, more sustainable community. 0-16-067619-3 S/N 064-000-00030-6 -- $45.00 Power and Progress, 2015. BOOK. 1996. Looks ahead to the year 2015 and beyond. Seeks to understand how the American armed forces might contribute better to the nation's future security. Tries to conceptualize how a transformed world situation 20 years from now could affect United States security. Describes the most plausible changes likely to develop. 0-16-048752-8 S/N 008-020-01406-1 -- $21.00 Predicting the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan: The Intelligence Community's Record. BOOK. 2002. Examines in detail what it was in the intelligence performance of the CIA that led to the failure to warn of the Soviet military invasion of Afghanistan. 0-16-067186-8 S/N 041-015-00221-0 -- $17.00 Preemptive Defense: Allied Air Power Versus Hitler's V-Weapons, 1943-1945. BOOK. 1998. Details the story of the attempt by the allies to render Germany's Vergeltungswaffe (V) weapons ineffective in World War II. 0-16-049671-3 S/N 008-070-00733-9 -- $3.25 Proliferation: Threat and Response, 2001. BOOK. 2001. Updates information about the nature of the global proliferation of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons. Describes the policies and programs that the Department of Defense is carrying out to counter this growing threat to American citizens, armed forces, and allies. 0-16-042791-6 S/N 008-000-00836-1 -- $18.00 Public Transportation System Security and Emergency Preparedness Planning Guide: Final Report, January 2003. BOOK. 2003. Identifies practical steps that public transportation systems can take to be better prepared for all emergencies. 0-16-067736-X S/N 050-007-01348-5 -- $28.00 Report of the Select Committee on Intelligence on the United States Intelligence Community's Prewar Intelligence Assessments on Iraq, July 9, 2004. BOOK. 2004. 0-16-073122-4 S/N 052-071-01415-2 -- $51.00 Revenge of the Melians: Asymmetric Threats and the Next QDR. BOOK. 2000. Assesses the nation's future security environment to the year 2025. Makes a unique contribution to the literature on asymmetric threats by providing a conceptual framework for thinking about threats. 0-16-061411-2 S/N 008-020-01486-9 -- $9.50 Revolution in Military Affairs: Allied Perspectives. BOOK. 1999. In the context of the restructuring of the American society and expanded global reach of the United States, the American military has undergone a Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA).This monograph seeks to explain this RMA to the United States allies and attempts to identify opportunities for and the risks to themselves in various patterns of development of the American militaryin the years ahead. S/N 008-020-01466-4 -- $7.50 Right Makes Might: Freedom and Power in the Information Age. BOOK. 1998. Examines the relationship of intentions and capabilities in the information age, using China as a case in point. Hypothesizes that although power remains important in world politics, globalization has transformed its character, correlates, and consequences: Power now depends on freedom. 0-16-061217-9 S/N 008-020-01448-6 -- $5.50 Security Awareness in the 1990s: Feature Articles From the Security Awareness Bulletin, 1990-1996. BOOK. 1996. Provides freshly edited versions of the most informative and useful feature articles appearing in Security Awareness Bulletin during the years 1991 through 1996. Includes articles on:the foreign intelligence threat; espionage and espionage case studies; information systems security; security policy and programs; industrial security; and the threat to United States Technology. 0-16-061341-8 S/N 008-047-00409-5 -- $31.00 Security in the Information Age: New Challenges, New Strategies, Compendium of Papers, May 2002. BOOK. 2002. Presents a range of perspectives on infrastructure protection, from definitions and strategies to business challenges and policy actions. 0-16-051135-6 S/N 052-070-07340-3 -- $10.50 Simulation Based Acquisition: A New Approach, Report of the 1997-1998 DSMC Military Research Fellows. BOOK. 1998. Presents the combined efforts of three military Research Fellows, participating in an 11-month Defense Systems Management College Research Fellowship program. These fellows have developed a new approach to the development of weapons systems which is designed to get the new materials into the hands of the warfighter faster. This approach is called Simulation Based Acquisition (SBA). The objective of this book is to convince program managers that SBA is a smarter way of doing business. 0-16-061228-4 S/N 008-020-01461-3 -- $11.00 Space Handbook: An Analyst's Guide, Volume 2. BOOK. 1993. Includes chapters on: The Space environment; Orbital mechanics; Propulsion systems; Space vehicle electrical power; Navigation, guidance, and control; Global communications; Atmospheric penetration; Directed energy systems; Building reliable spacecraft; and Bioastronautics. Five appendices cover: The Deorbiting problem; Determination of the angle between two orbiting planes; Introduction to radar; Orbital coordinate systems; and Signs and symbols. S/N 008-070-00689-8 -- $44.00 Strategic Implications of a Nuclear-Armed Iran. BOOK. 2001. Discusses the strategic implications of a nuclear-armed Iran. 0-16-061762-6 S/N 008-020-01497-4 -- $7.50 Strategy-Driven Choices for America's Security, QDR 2001. BOOK. 2001. Provides the intellectual underpinnings of the final report of a major conference on the Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) 2001, held at the National Defense University in November 2000. Outlines a series of integrated paths that lead from strategy alternatives to force-sizing criteria to force structure and other programmatic issues. Offers options from which the Bush administration can craft a new defense policy. 0-16-061660-3 S/N 008-020-01494-0 -- $31.50 Studies in Intelligence, Journal of the American Intelligence Professional . . .
Surface Warfare Magazine. SUBSCRIPTION. LIST ID SW. Issued quarterly. Published by authority of the Chief of Naval Operations to provide timely information of interest to the Surface Warfare Community. Subscription service will be accepted for one or two years. Subscription price: Domestic - $15.00 a year; Foreign - $21.00 a year. Single copy price: Domestic - $6.50 a copy; Foreign - $9.10 a copy. File Code 2G. 0-16-010292-8 S/N 708-050-00000-8 -- $15.00 Terrorist Bomb Threat Stand-Off. CARD. 1999. Describes terrorist bomb threats by: threat description, explosives capacity, building evacuation distance, and outdoor evacuation distance. 0-16-061616-6 S/N 064-000-00028-4 -- $4.00 Transforming Nuclear Deterrence. BOOK. 1997. Presents summaries of remarks made at a series of nine discussions on the theme of "Managing and Transforming Nuclear Deterrence," sponsored by the Institute for National Strategic Studies. Focuses on the relationship of the United States and Russia in light of this topic. 0-16-061202-0 S/N 008-020-01428-1 -- $6.00 Undersea Warfare. SUBSCRIPTION. LIST ID UWQ. Issued quarterly. Official magazine of the United States submarine force. Subscription service will be accepted for one or two years. Subscription price: Domestic - $25.00 a year (first-class); Foreign - $35.00 a year. Single copy price: Domestic - $7.00 a copy; Foreign - $9.80 a copy. File Code 2Q. S/N 708-101-00000-1 -- $25.00 United States and the Persian Gulf: Reshaping Security Strategy for the Post-Containment Era. BOOK. 2003. Includes an introduction and sections on: United States Interests and Objectives; Gulf Security Perceptions and Strategies; The Regional Military Balance; United States Defense Strategy and Force Planning; The Role of Outside Powers; and Policy Implications. S/N 008-020-01521-1 -- $15.00 United States Army Counterinsurgency and Contingency Operations Doctrine, 1860-1941. BOOK. 1998. Examines how the Army had performed two of its most important unconventional missions: the suppression of insurgent or other irregular forces and the conduct of overseas constabulary and contingency operations in the years 1860 to 1941. 0-16-061324-8 S/N 008-029-00337-6 -- $30.00 United States Code, 2000 Edition, Volume 27, Title 50, War and National Defense, Popular Names, and Tables, Revised Titles, Revised Statutes 1878, and Statutes at Large (1789-1899). United States Code, 2000 Edition, Containing the General and Permanent Laws of the United States, in Force on January 2, 2001, Volume 7, Title 50, War and National Defense, Popular Names and Tables, Revised Titles, Revised Statutes 1878, and Statutes at Large (1789-1899).BOOK. 2002. 0-16-050715-4 S/N 052-001-00491-4 -- $81.00 Vehicle Bomb Mitigation Guide, January 2004 (controlled Item) TO ORDER THIS DOCUMENT, FIRST SEND AN E-MAIL REQUEST TO PUBS@TSWG.GOV AND INCLUDE PUBLICATION TITLE, QUANTITY, CONTACT NAME, ORGANIZATION NAME, MAILING ADDRESS, AND PHONE NUMBER. SECURITY CONTRACTORSMUST ALSO PROVIDE SIMILAR SPONSORING GOVERNMENT AGENCY AND CONTACT INFORMATION. CONFIRMATION OF THE ORDER WILL BE APPROVED VIA E-MAIL WITH AN APPROVAL NUMBER. THE DOCUMENTS CAN THEN BE ORDERED FROM GPO, WITH AN ORDER FORM ACCOMPANIED BY A COPY OF THE CONFIRMATION E-MAIL AND APPROVAL NUMBER. Sold in packages of 10 copies only. S/N 008-001-00164-9 -- $170.00 (Out of Stock) Weapon Systems, United States Army . . .
Weapons of Mass Destruction: New Perspectives on Counterproliferation. BOOK. 1995. Provides information from a symposium which addressed the challenges to United States national security and international stability posed by the spread of weapons of mass destruction.Covers nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons; and missiles as a means of delivery. 0-16-047822-7 S/N 008-020-01360-9 -- $14.00 A service of the U.S. Government Printing Office. |
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