Document Source: NOAA Administrative Order 215_101



Issued 11/26/90; Effective 11/13/90


.01 This Order describes the parameters of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) training program. It explains the administrative procedures that must be followed by all elements of NOAA to obta in EEO training for executives, managers, supervisors (probationary and tenured), and the general workforce.

.02 This Order also authorizes the Director, Office of Administration (OA), to establish and maintain a list of vendors capable of developing and providing EEO training courses and needs assessments which meet all criteria established by the Director, Office of Administration, or his/her designee.

.03 This Order further authorizes the Director, Office of Administration, to act as NOAA's final approval authority with respect to the quality and content of all NOAA-sponsored EEO training.


.01 Coverage. The provisions of this Order are prescriptive to all NOAA sponsored EEO training. EEO training in this Order refers to the EEO knowledge and skills needed for individuals to meet their respective EEO responsibilities.

.02 Exclusion. This Order does not apply to any training developed and presented by Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Regional Offices, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), the Department of Commerce (DOC) Office of Civil Rights, or the DOC Office of Personnel.


.01 The Director, Office of Administration shall act as the NOAA final authority with respect to the content and quality of all NOAA-sponsored EEO training courses. The Director shall periodically provide to the Administrative Suppor t Center (ASC) Personnel Divisions and the Office of Administration Personnel Operations Division an updated list of training vendors capable of conducting EEO training courses and completing EEO needs assessments. All vendors listed will meet minimum st andards of adequacy with respect to course development and presentation capability.

.02 The Civil Rights Division (OA23), acting on behalf of the Director, Office of Administration, shall:

a. develop and periodically update the minimum standards of adequacy by which all training vendors developing and presenting EEO training courses presented pursuant to this Order shall be evaluated;

b. evaluate the capabilities of any new vendor submitting a proposal to provide EEO training for possible placement on the EEO training vendor list, and

c. establish and keep current an open ended list of vendors which meet the minimum standards of adequacy necessary to provide EEO training and EEO needs assessment in NOAA.

.03 The Administrative Support Center Personnel Divisions and the Office of Administration Personnel Operations Division (OA21) shall:

a. maintain the updated list of acceptable training vendors, EEO training courses and EEO needs assessment studies for their servicing area;

b. provide the names of appropriate courses and vendors to NOAA Line or Staff Office components;

c. refer all suggestions for new courses and/or vendors to the Civil Rights Division (OA23) for substantive review and recommendation to Director, Office of Administration;

d. announce the availability of EEO training courses deemed necessary by NOAA management, at least annually;

e. process all requests for EEO training when submitted in compliance with this Order by any NOAA Line or Staff Office component within their respective service areas, and

f. ensure accurate records are maintained on EEO training attendance.

.04 Line and Staff Office heads shall ensure that, consistent with the employees duties and responsibilities, and based upon an assessment of their individual needs, executives, managers, supervisors, and the general workforce are pro vided sufficient training and information to:

a. understand their responsibilities and roles in the development and implementation of their unit's affirmative employment program plans;

b. use existing management systems and programs to accomplish affirmative employment goals;

c. manage personnel actions that are free of discrimination;

d. understand discrimination and the process for maintaining a discrimination free workplace;

e. understand their responsibilities and roles regarding the EEO complaint process, and

f. recognize sexual harassment and be able to carry out their legal responsibilities.

.05 Furthermore, Line and Staff Offices heads shall:

a. determine the needs for EEO training and/or EEO assessment;

b. ensure that any employee serving as a supervisor for the first time receive substantive EEO training which enables them to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and abilities listed under Section 3.04 of this Order within one (1) year of the effective date of appointment;

c. ensure that all other managers and supervisors under their control receive a minimum of four (4) hours of substantive EEO training and information once every two (2) years which updates the knowledge, skills and abilities listed under Section 3.04 of this Order;

d. ensure that EEO training taken by individuals under their line authority complies with this Order;

e. coordinate with the appropriate Administrative Support Center Personnel Division/Office of Administration Personnel Operations Division to arrange for a vendor authorized by this Order to provide EEO training and/or a needs assessment;

f. submit appropriate documents promptly to the appropriate Administrative Support Center/Office of Administration Finance Division (OA11) to ensure prompt payment to the vendor, and

g. review records on EEO training yearly to ensure compliance with Section 3.05 of this Order.


Requirements of this Order are consistent with specifications contained in Department Administrative Order (DAO) 202-411, Supervisory and Management Development and Civil Rights Bulletin 83-1, Equal Employment Opportunity Training.

Director, Office of Administration

Office of Primary Interest:
Office of Administration
Civil Rights Division (OA23)

Document Source: NOAA Administrative Order 215_101


NOTE: Send comments regarding the NOAA Civil Rights Office web pages to Tillman M. Peck.

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