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2004 Consumer Action Handbook.
Get help with consumer problems and complaints. Find consumer contacts at hundreds of companies and trade associations, local, state, and federal government agencies, national consumer organizations, and more. 172 pp. (2004. FCIC )
568L. Free.
American Revolution at a Glance.
Learn about the major battles with colorful maps and informative descriptions. pp. (2001. DOI )
124L. $2.00.
Civil War at a Glance.
This full-color map illustrates and briefly describes major Civil War battle campaigns. pp. (1995. DOI )
123L. $2.00.
Conserving America's Fisheries.
Did you know that more than 100 kinds of American fish are endangered? Find out what is being done to restore our fisheries and what you can do to help. 7 pp. (2002. DOI )
592L. Free.
Conserving the Nature of America.
Beautiful photos show how fish, wildlife, and plants are protected in more than 500 National Wildlife Refuges. Also gives details on volunteer and recreational opportunities. 24 pp. (1999. DOI )
591L. Free.
Constitution of the United States and the Declaration of Independence.
Learn more about the foundations of our country's freedom with the full text of both historic documents. 48 pp. (2003. HOUSE )
110L. $2.75.
coming soon
Fishing Is Fun for Everyone.
Find out what equipment you’ll need, what kind of bait to use, how to cast and tie knots, and where to get more information. 11 pp. (1999. DOI )
593L. Free.
For the Birds.
How to attract different species of birds, feed them, and select suitable homes. 50 pp. (1997. DOI )
356L. $1.00.
Funerals: A Consumer Guide.
Know your rights as a consumer and what to keep in mind when making funeral arrangements. 29 pp. (2000. FTC )
352L. $1.00.
Gettysburg National Military Park.
It’s the site of one of the most important battles in the American Civil War. Learn more with maps, photographs, and a day-to-day history of the key battle that took place there. 64 pp. (1992. DOI )
117K. $5.00.
Going Wireless: A Consumer Guide To Choosing Cellular Service.
How to select the right service and calling plan, understand the terms of your contract, avoid fraud, and more. 8 pp. (2002. FCIC )
603L. Free.
Lista de publicaciones federales en espanol para el consumidor.
Lists 200 free publications in Spanish available from various federal agencies. Bulk copies of this publication are available. 16 pp. (2003. FCIC )
567L. Free.
Our Flag.
Are you familiar with the U.S. flag's history and customs? Here is everything you want to know about the flag. 52 pp. (2003. JCP )
122L. $4.50.
Where to Write for Vital Records.
Listing of state offices to contact for birth, death, marriage, and divorce certificates, with guidelines to follow when submitting a request. 50 pp. (2003. CDC )
107L. $4.25.
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