Trajectory Model

PLEASE NOTE: We are proposing to remove the NGM-based trajectory model and its associated products in January 2005.
Please see the PNS requesting feedback on this proposal at

MDL is responsible for developing and implementing the Trajectory Model. This model produces forecasts of air-parcel trajectories twice a day over the contiguous U.S. out to 48 hours in advance. The three-dimensional wind field from the the 0000 and 1200 UTC runs of the Nested Grid Model (NGM) is used as input to the Trajectory Model. By integrating the vertical motion of the air parcels over a period of time, the Trajectory Model is able to forecast the net vertical displacement of air parcels during 12-hour periods.

Forecasters have found that this information is very useful in predicting heavy snowfall, occurrence of thunderstorms and severe weather, and air pollution episodes. Trajectory model forecast products are avialable in both alphanumeric and graphical format and are usually disseminated around 0400 and 1600 UTC.

Operational Products

The current operational products are produced by the NGM version of the trajectory model. Raw GRIB files and text products are both available on our ftp server.

Text Products

Eight alphanumeric bulletins based on trajectory model output are transmitted twice a day over AFOS, the Family of Services, military, and FAA lines. The bulletins are divided by geographic regions and are given the headers of FOUS50 - FOUS57. They contain 24-hour forecasts of temperature, dew point, and the K stability index for selected stations, along with six-hourly positions for trajectories terminating at the surface, 850 mb, and 700 mb. On AFOS they can be found under the product identifiers NMCFTJ50 - NMCFTJ57. For a sample product see FOUS50

Graphic Products

Forecast fields from the trajectory model are also transmitted twice a day in graphical format over AFOS and the Family of Services. These forecast fields include the 24-hour parcel trajectores terminating at the surface, 850 mb, and 700 mb for the eastern U.S. and the western U.S.; the temperature and dew point at the surface, 850 mb, and 700 mb; the K stability index; and finally the net vertical displacement for parcels terminating at 700 mb for the 12-24 h, 24-36 h and 36-48 h periods.

Test Results

Test Results valid for current MOS development projects. There are currently none available for the Trajectory Model.


Reap, R. M. 1992: The Meteorological Development Laboratory Three-Dimensional Trajectory Model. Technical Procedures Bulletin (TPB) 397 , National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Department of Commerce, 11 pp. Available from the Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services.

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Last Updated September 20, 2002