Description of the MRF MEX MOS Alphanumeric Message

The MRF-Based MOS MEX guidance is generated from the 0000 UTC run of the Medium-Range Forecast (MRF) run of NCEP's Global Spectral Model. This guidance is valid for stations in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. For the most recent station list click here. Forecast elements are valid from 24 to 192 hours in advance.

Sample Message

KDCA   MRF MOS GUIDANCE    9/19/2002  0000 UTC
FHR  24| 36  48| 60  72| 84  96|108 120|132 144|156 168|180 192
THU  19| FRI 20| SAT 21| SUN 22| MON 23| TUE 24| WED 25| THU 26 CLIMO
X/N  81| 66  82| 68  84| 68  80| 63  76| 59  75| 59  75| 59  75 60 77
TMP  74| 67  75| 69  75| 69  72| 64  68| 61  68| 61  68| 61  68
DPT  64| 64  67| 67  70| 67  66| 59  57| 54  56| 55  54| 55  56
WND  10| 10  11| 10  13|  9  12| 12  14|  9  13| 11  13| 10  12
P12   7|  3   7| 11  27| 42  48| 44  24| 26  18| 22  14| 26  23 17 17
P24    |      7|     28|     55|     44|     37|     25|     34    24
Q12   0|  0   0|  0   0|  3   5|  4   0|  3   0|  0    |
Q24    |      0|      0|      4|      3|      4|       |
T12   0|  0   0|  5  12| 18  20| 20   4|  5   5|  5   6|  8   6
T24    |  0    |  5    | 24    | 30    | 10    |  9    | 12
PZP   0|  0   0|  0   0|  0   2|  0   0|  0   2|  0   1|  1   2
PSN   0|  0   0|  0   0|  0   1|  0   0|  0   1|  0   1|  0   0
PRS   0|  0   0|  0   0|  0   0|  0   0|  0   2|  1   0|  1   1
TYP   R|  R   R|  R   R|  R   R|  R   R|  R   R|  R   R|  R   R

Definitions of Categorical Elements

MEX QPF Categories
0 no precipitation
1 0.01 to 0.09 inches
2 0.10 to 0.24 inches
3 0.25 to 0.49 inches
4 0.50 to 0.99 inches
5 1.00 to 1.99 inches
6 2.00 inches or greater
MEX Cloud (CLD) Categories
CL mostly clear                  
PC partly cloudy
OV mostly cloudy

MEX Precipitation Type (TYP) Categories
S pure snow or snow grains
Z freezing rain/drizzle, ice pellets, or
anything mixed with freezing precip
RS rain/drizzle and snow mixed
R pure rain/drizzle
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Last Updated September 19, 2002