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Message from Donna E. Shalala Secretary of Health and Human ServicesThe first, most enduring responsibility of any society is to ensure the health and well-being of its children. It is a responsibility to which multiple programs of the Department of Health and Human Services are dedicated and an arena in which we can claim many remarkable successes in recent years. From new initiatives in child health insurance and Head Start, to innovative approaches to child care, to the investment in medical research that has ameliorated and even eliminated the threat of many once lethal childhood diseases, we have focused directly and constructively on the needs of millions of children. Through programs designed to enhance the strength and resiliency of families and family members across the life span and through our investments in diverse community resources, we are also helping to enhance the lives and enrich the opportunities of millions more of our children. Although we can take rightful pride in our accomplishments on behalf of U.S. youths, we can and must do more. The world remains a threatening, often dangerous place for children and youths. And in our country today, the greatest threat to the lives of children and adolescents is not disease or starvation or abandonment, but the terrible reality of violence. We certainly do not know all of the factors that have contributed to creating what many citizens-young and old alikeview as our culture of violence. It is clear, however, that as widespread as the propensity for and tolerance of violence is throughout our societyand despite efforts that, since 1994, have achieved dramatic declines in official records of violence on the part of young peopleevery citizen must assume a measure of responsibility for helping to reduce and prevent youth violence. Information is a powerful tool, and this Surgeon General's report is an authoritative source of information. In directing the Surgeon General to prepare a scholarly report that would summarize what research can tell us about the magnitude, causes, and prevention of youth violence, President Clinton sought a public health perspective on the problem to complement the extraordinary work and achievements in this area that continue to be realized through the efforts of our criminal and juvenile justice systems. Over the past several months, the Department of Health and Human Services has worked with many hundreds of dedicated researchers, analysts, and policy makers whose interests and expertise lie outside the traditional domains of health and human services. What has become clear through our collaboration is that collectively we possess the tools and knowledge needed to throw safety lines to those young Americans who already have been swept up in the currents of violence and to strengthen the protective barriers that exist in the form of family, peers, teachers, and the countless others whose lives are dedicated to the futures of our children. This Surgeon General's report seeks to focus on action steps that all Americans can take to help address the problem, and continue to build a legacy of health and safety for our young people and the Nation as a whole. ForewordThe opportunity for three Federal agencies, each with a distinct public health mission, to collaborate in developing the Surgeon General's report on youth violence has been an invigorating and rewarding intellectual challenge. We and our respective staffs were pleased to find that the importance that we collectively assign to the topic of youth violence transcended any impediments to a true, shared effort. Obstacles that one might have anticipatedfor example, difficulties in exchanging data and discussing concepts that emanate from many different scientific disciplinesproved to be surmountable. Indeed, many of the differences in perspective and scientific approach that distinguish the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), when combined, afforded us a much fuller appreciation of the problem and much firmer grounds for optimism that the problem can be solved than is obvious from within the boundaries, or confines, of a single organization. The mission of CDC is to promote health and quality of life by preventing and controlling disease, injury, and disability. The NIH, of which the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is one component, is responsible for generating new knowledge that will lead to better health for everyone. SAMHSA is charged with improving the quality and availability of prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation services in order to reduce illness, death, disability, and cost to society resulting from substance abuse and mental illnesses. Common to each of the agencies is an interest in preventing problems before they have a chance to impair the health of individuals, families, communities, or society in its entirety. Toward this end, CDC, NIH/NIMH, and SAMHSA each support major long-term research projects involving nationally representative samples of our Nation's youth. These studies, which are introduced and described in the report that follows, are designed both to monitor the health status of young Americans and to identify factors that can be shown to carry some likelihood of risk for jeopardizing healthinformation that lends itself to mounting effective interventions. The designation of youth violence as a public health issue complements the more traditional status of the problem as a criminal justice concern. Here again, it has been satisfying for all of us in the public health sector to reach across professional and disciplinary boundaries to our colleagues in law, criminology, and justice and work to meld data that deepen our understanding of the patterns and nature of violence engaged in by young people throughout our country. What has emerged with startling clarity from an exhaustive review of the scientific literature and from analyses of key new data sources is that we as a Nation have made laudable progress in gaining an understanding of the magnitude of the problem. We have made great strides in identifying and quantifying factors that, in particular settings or combinations, increase the probability that violence will occur. And we have developed an array of interventions of well-documented effectiveness in helping young people whose lives are already marked by a propensity for violence as well as in preventing others from viewing violence as a solution to needs, wants, or problems. CDC, NIH/NIMH, and SAMHSA look forward to continuing collaborations, begun during the development of this report, that will extend further the abilities of policy makers, communities, families, and individuals to understand youth violence and how to prevent it. Jeffrey P. Koplan, M.D., M.P.H. Joseph H. Autry III, M.D. Steven E. Hyman, M.D. Preface