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The Hydrometeorological Prediction Center

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0000 UTC GFS 500mb Height/Anomaly Forecasts
5-Day Means Centered on Days 3, 5, 8 and 11

North America
Day 3
Click to view AVN Day 3 mean
Day 5
Click to view AVN Day 5 mean
Day 8
Click to view AVN Day 8 mean
Day 11
Click to view AVN Day 11 mean

Northern Hemisphere
Day 3
Click to view AVN Day 3 mean
Day 5
Click to view AVN Day 5 mean
Day 8
Click to view AVN Day 8 mean
Day 11
Click to view AVN Day 11 mean

This data is provided by the Climate Prediction Center. Each forecast is valid the specified number of days after the initialization of the most recent GFS run at 0000 UTC (7 PM EST). These maps are updated daily, normally by 1500 UTC (10 AM EST).

NOAA/ National Weather Service
National Centers for Environmental Prediction
Hydrometeorological Prediction Center
5200 Auth Rd
Camp Springs, Maryland 20746
Hydrometeorological Prediction Center Web Team
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Page last modified: Friday, 11-Jul-2003 17:26:39 UTC