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Financial Report of the United States Logo

Current Report

2003 Financial Report of the United States Government

All files below are in PDF format PDF File

Complete Report (2,539 KB)

By Chapter:

Table of Contents (98 KB)

Message from the Secretary of the Treasury and Management's Discussion and Analysis (427 KB)

General Accounting Office (GAO) Report
(359 KB)

Financial Statements (193 KB)

Stewardship Information (465 KB)

Notes to the Financial Statements (579 KB)

Supplemental Information and Appendix
(183 KB)

Viewing PDF files PDF File requires Acrobat Reader which is included in many Web browsers. If your browser does not read Acrobat's pdf files, the Acrobat Reader is free to download and use.

This report is also available for sale in printed form from the Government Printing Office. Call (202) 512-1800 for prices.


  • Next Report:
    2004 Report (expected December 2004)
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