Native American families and communities and, in addition, serve as a product for use with Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) lending programs. Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act The Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act (SSCRA) of 1940 provides reimbursement to issuers who have lost money by providing relief to military personnel during a qualifying military effort.  In response to the events of September 11, 2001, Ginnie Mae developed an assistance plan that included reimbursing issuers for interest shortfalls on loans made to persons who later enter military service, and to reservists and members of the National Guard called to duty.  In addition, if under FHA Mortgagee Letter 2001-22, an issuer per- mits qualifying borrowers to postpone princi- pal payments, the issuer may request consent from Ginnie Mae to repurchase the loans out of pools once three principal payments have been made on the borrower’s behalf. View of the Future During Fiscal Year 2002, Ginnie Mae will con- tinue to facilitate increased homeownership in urban areas through the success of its pro- grams.  Such efforts will be in addition to con- tinued improvements in customer service and new product innovation. Ginnie Mae will develop and implement poli- cies and procedures that improve program efficiency and customer service.  Through new product offerings and reductions in guaranty fees, Ginnie Mae continually strives to make its programs attractive to investors in the capi- tal markets.  Additionally, Ginnie Mae contin- ues to make organizational improvements in its business through internal and external reviews of its operations and managing the corporation as a results-oriented, customer driven organization.  These efforts will contin- ue to strengthen Ginnie Mae’s program and financial position and ensure its ability to meet its mission. Moreover, in Fiscal Year 2002, management’s priorities will include making greater use of information technology to improve processes and products, enhancing services to clients, and strengthening other ways Ginnie Mae does business.  Ginnie Mae will endeavor to face the challenges of the future with confi- dence, and with innovative solutions and products, while striving to serve its vital role in the provision of mortgage credit for low- and moderate-income American families. 16 G i n n i e   M a e   A n n u a l   R e p o r t   2 0 0 1