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March 18, 2002

Secretary Abraham Announces Resignation of Deputy Secretary Francis Blake; President Bush Announces Intention to Nominate Chief of Staff Kyle McSlarrow to Fill the Post

WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham today announced that Deputy Secretary of Energy Francis Blake has decided to leave the Department of Energy (DOE) and return to the private sector. In announcing Blake’s decision, Abraham said that Kyle McSlarrow, currently chief of staff for the department, is set to be nominated by President Bush to serve as Deputy Secretary.

“Frank Blake has provided tremendous leadership helping implement the energy and environmental policies of the Bush administration and providing critical management expertise in setting the agenda for the department, Secretary Abraham said. “Frank has left a positive imprint on the department during his tenure here and has served the Bush administration well. We will miss him.”

“I would like to thank Secretary Abraham for the opportunity of working at DOE,” Blake said. “We have accomplished a tremendous amount in the time that I have been here, from moving forward with difficult decisions to launching necessary DOE program reforms. I enjoyed working at DOE and it is has been a pleasure to serve in the Bush administration.”

In announcing the President’s intention to nominate Kyle McSlarrow to serve as Deputy Secretary, Abraham said, “From day one, Kyle McSlarrow has taken the lead role in managing key departmental programs. He is a critical and invaluable member of the policy and management team at the department and this administration.”

“Confirming Kyle as Deputy Secretary will provide a seamless transition, further bringing his management and policy skills to bear on the array of energy, defense, science and environmental issues facing the department. Certainly, the department will benefit from Kyle’s legal and policy expertise, including his knowledge of and ability to work closely with members of Congress on key issues.”

McSlarrow has held key positions on Capitol Hill including serving as deputy chief of staff and chief counsel to the Senate Majority Leader, and as chief of staff to former Senator Paul Coverdell. He is a former captain in the United States Army Corp of Engineers and served as assistant to the Army’s General Counsel. There, he was the Army’s lead attorney on environmental issues, as well as, research and development of major weapons systems.

Prior to joining the department, Frank Blake served as Senior Vice President of Corporate Business Development at General Electric. He will be returning to the private sector, joining the corporate offices of Home Depot, the Atlanta-based construction and home improvement chain. Biographical information for Mr. Blake and Mr. McSlarrow, as well as photos, is available at www.energy.gov.


Media Contact:   Jeanne Lopatto/Joe Davis, 202/586-4940

Number: PR-02-045

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