the putative translations from the last Genbank release. You can search GenPept using 'GenPept:*' in Fasta. In Pileup, you can then use the Begin= and End= parameters to define the ends of the region for alignment. Each sequence can have its own range limitation.

Another option is to use framesearch instead of fasta. You could then create a list file using the begin, end and range information from the framesearch output, and use that as input into Pileup. However, framesearch is much slower than Fasta.

How do I design a primer?

There are several design criteria: GCG's prime program selects primers, and is also accessible through
GCG-Lite's web interface to prime.

Other web-accessible primer design programs are

Primer3 from the Whitehead Institute,
xprimer from U. Minnesota,
GeneFisher from U. Bielefeld.

Programs than run on Macs and PC's are MacVector for the Mac, GeneWorks for the Mac, OSP for Mac/PC/VAX/Sun/Xwindows, and primegen. Also check EBI's list of primer design programs.

More information about primer design can be found at:

Restriction Maps and PCR primer design, a course at NYU.
PCR primer analysis, a course from U. Kentucky.

How do I convert peptide sequences from 1-letter to 3-letter amino acid codes?

Reformat, which converts other sequence formats into GCG format, can do this. You would run it with the '-ONEintothree' option, and your input sequence file can be either GCG format or any of the other formats that Reformat accepts. Note that reformat will write over your input sequence file, so save a copy if you want to preserve the original!

Sample session:
helix% more jc5122.pir2
P1;JC5122 - superoxide dismutase (EC (Mn)