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National Nutriton Education Conference Logo

National Nutrition Education Conference

Nutrition Connections: People, Programs, Science, Community


Come to the second FNS-wide nutrition education conference to be held:


ON: Monday, September 12 through Wednesday, September 14, 2005

AT: Hyatt Regency Crystal City in  Arlington, VA.

This conference will help to advance more integrated and comprehensive approaches to nutrition education across FNS programs, expand cross-program collaboration and communication, and update staff working with FNS nutrition assistance programs on nutrition education theory, scientific advancements, and best practices to improve nutritional status and lifestyle behaviors of those served by FNS programs. For more detail on the conference focus, see Conference Objectives.

Check back often for updates on:

  • Call for Abstracts for Oral, Poster, and Sponsored Sessions
  • Exhibitor Opportunities
  • Conference Program
  • Conference Registration
  • Award Nominations.

Conference Flyers are available!

Collaborating for Success: Conference Highlights and Proceedings from the 2003 FNS National Nutrition Education Conference now available!

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    Accessibility | Privacy/Security | Nondiscrimination | USDA Last Modified: 07/28/2004