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JBOSC Web Development Team Banner
Collage of globe with Shuttle, ISS, an Astronaut, VAB and people sitting around a conference table

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Folder tab with a We Are on the label

A Team of experienced and dedicated IT Professionals providing expert web development services to the NASA community at KSC.

A Team employed by Space Gateway Support, the ISO9001 and VPP Star rated prime contractor for the Joint Base Operations Support Contract at KSC and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.

A Team using proven technologies like .NET and Cold Fusion to develop the wide variety of web sites and web-based applications needed in mission support of both NASA and the Air Force.

A Team with an outstanding record for maintaining the highest degree of customer satisfaction as reflected in numerous awards received from our customers.

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Folder tab with a Customer Support on the label

The Spaceport is a landscape of river, ocean, wildlife, technology and history - rockets have been launched from these shores since Bumper 8 lifted off July 24, 1950.

It is in this environment we provide a wide range of website development services for the NASA-KSC Community, supporting many public accessible sources of information.

We also help KSC internal offices, directorates and employee organizations function more effectively by providing sophisticated web based tools and applications.


Text Only Version

Folder tab with Launch Support on the label
The JBOSC Web Development Team always provides a concerted effort, with a proven track record in support of online launch coverage for both Shuttle and ELV missions.

From pre-launch services at the Press Site to continuing support for the NASA direct question boards, Mission Quiz interactive application and the Live Countdown Clock, the team is "on board" and ever vigilant in supplying the very best behind-the-scenes technical coverage.

Folder tab with Web Development on the label

 ColdFusion .Net
 C Sharp SQL
 HTML Java
 JavaScript VB Script
 Web Design Flash
 Video Streaming 3D Modeling
Page Last Revised Page & Curator Information

Curator: Sayre Hernandez
A Service of Space Gateway Support LLC, IM Directorate
Responsible Official:  Rich Sartore
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