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U.S. Department of Justice
Drug Enforcement Administration

April 1999

Drug Enforcement

DEA badge

A Tradition of Excellence

The History of the DEA from 1973 to 1998

Table of Contents

Letter from Administrator Constantine
Letter from Former President Gerald Ford
Letter from Former President George Bush
Letter from President Bill Clinton
Remarks of U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno


The DEA's Immediate Predecessors
John E. Ingersoll, Director BNND
Myles J. Ambrose, Director ODALE
DEA Genealogy
Foreign Offices Opened
New York Task Force (1970)
Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention & Control Act (1970)
Diversion Control Program (1971)
French Connection (1971-1972)
First Female Special Agents
Creation of the DEA (July 1, 1973)
Reasons to Create the DEA
Early Developments in the DEA
John R. Bartels, Jr.: First DEA Administrator
Creation of the DEA Intelligence Program (1973)
The Unified Intelligence Division (1973)
First DEA Intelligence Analyst Graduation List
National Narcotics Intelligence System
The Collapse of the DEA Miami Office Building (1974)
Graduation of the First DEA Special Agents
El Paso Intelligence Center (1974)
Joint Efforts with Mexico (1974)
Drug Abuse Warning Network (1974)
Narcotic Addict Treatment Act (1974)
Killed in the Line of Duty


The Crack Epidemic
Minden Lab
John C. Lawn: Fourth DEA Administrator
Trafficking Via Mexico
The Murder of DEA Special Agent Enrique Camarena
Camarena Investigation Leads to Operation Leyenda
Red Ribbon Campaign
Employee Assistance Program Expanded (1985)
Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986
National Security Decision Directive 221
Drug-Free Workplace (1986)
Len Bias/Don Rogers (1986)
The Certification Process (1986)
Foreign Offices Opened
Operation Blast Furnace (1986)
Operation Snowcap (1987)
Carlos Lehder Extradition (1987)
Demand Reduction Section (1987)
The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988
The Creation of a Drug Czar (1988)
Colombian Government Helps Seize Gacha Funds (1989)
Rescheduling of Marijuana Denied (1989)
El Paso Intelligence Center (EPIC) Dedication (1989)
Operation Green Merchant (1989)
Operation Polar Cap (1989)
Arrest of Noriega (1989)
Sylmar Seizure (1989)
DEA Headquarters Moved (1989)
Killed in the Line of Duty


The White House White Paper
Henry S. Dogin: DEA Acting Administrator (1975)
Central Tactical Units (1975)
Peter B. Bensinger: Second DEA Administrator
Operation Trizo (1976)
Fire at DEA Headquarters (1976)
Jaime Herrera-Nevares
Heroin from Mexico
Foreign Offices Opened
Development of the Heroin Signature Program (1977)
Tighter PCP Controls (1977)
Colombian Marijuana
The Arrest of Nicky Barnes
The Office of Compliance and Regulatory Affairs
South Florida
Paraphernalia Law (1979)
The Black Tuna Gang and Operation Banco
The Origins of the Medellin Cartel
U.S. Drug Use Peaks (1979)
Major Cocaine Seizures
Domestic Cannabis Eradication & Suppression Program (1979)
Killed in the Line of Duty


Robert C. Bonner: Fifth DEA Administrator
Foreign Offices Opened
Decline of the Medellin Cartel & Rise of the Cali Mafia
Operation Man (1990)
Operation REDRUM (1991)
LSD Conference (1991)
Medical Use of Marijuana Denied (1992)
DEA Special Agent Promotion Program
Operation Green Ice (1992)
Major Cocaine Seizure (1992)
Creation of Intelligence Division (1992)
The Kingpin Strategy (1992)
Brooklyn Clandestine Cocaine Lab Seizures (1992)
Rules of the Game (1993)
Office of Investigative Agency Policies (1993)
Killed in the Line of Duty


The Rise of the Medellin Cartel
Operation Swordfish (1980)
Francis M. Mullen, Jr.: Third DEA Administrator
Colombian Marijuana
Int'l Security & Development Cooperation Act of 1981
Concurrent Jurisdiction with the FBI (1982)
Methaqualone (1982)
Southwest Asian Heroin
Reorganization of DEA Headquarters Functions
Centralizing Operations (1982)
Task Force on South Florida (1982)
Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (1982)
Foreign Offices Opened
8-Point Crackdown on Organized Crime
OPBAT (1982)
Joint DEA/FBI SAC Conference (1983)
First Joint DEA/National Narcotic Border Interdiction System
Career Board (1983)
Operation Pipeline (1984)
Operation Pisces (1984)
Tranquilandia (1984)
Domestic Marijuana
The Crime Control Act (1984)
1984 Amendment to the Controlled Substances Act
Scheduling of Dangerous Drugs
50th State Joins EPIC (1984)
Drug Prevention Programs
Killed in the Line of Duty


Thomas A. Constantine: Sixth DEA Administrator
Quantico Conference (1994)
Revision of Geographic Drug Enforcement Program
Operation Snowcap is Concluded (1994)
Headquarters Reorganization (1994)
Career Board Reorganization (1994)
Creation of the 20th Field Division (1994)
DEA/FBI Senior Executive Service Exchange (1994)
Field Training Agent Program
Conviction of Dandeny Munoz-Mosquera (1994)
Revised Internal Inspection (1994)
Peru Airplane Crash (1994)
Anti-Legalization Forum (1994)
Operation Foxhunt Zorro (1994)
Charlestown, Massachusetts
Tiger Trap (1994)
Operation Dinero (1994)
Trauma Team Improvements (1995)
Mobile Enforcement Teams (1995)
Oklahoma City Bombing (1995)
New Wall of Honor (1995)
Operation Green Ice II (1995)
Operation Global Sea (1995)
Arrest of Cali Leaders (1995)
Rise of Traffickers in Mexico
The Arellano-Felix Brothers Organization
The Amado Carrillo-Fuentes Organization
The Miguel Caro-Quintero Organization
The Juan Garcia-Abrego Organization
Field Advisory Council (1995)
Promotion/Transfer Policy & Voluntary Transfers (1995)
Creation of the 21st Field Division (1995)
Continued Increase in Caribbean Drug Trafficking
Special Agent Background Investigations (1995)
Administrator Directs Vehicle Procurement (1998)
Career Path for Diversion Investigators (1995)
Special Agent Selection and Recruiting
Operation Zorro II (1996)
Atlanta Olympics (1996)
The Methamphetamine Problem
Comprehensive Methamphetamine Control Act of 1996

Establishment of the Purple Heart Award (1996)
Operations Reciprocity and Limelight (1996)
Legalization in California and Arizona (1996)
Boys & Girls Clubs (1996)
Joint SAC Conference (1997)
Jose Ivan Duarte (1997)
DEA Heroin Conference (1997)
DEA/Wal-Mart Partnership (1997)
Billion Dollar Budget (1997)
Justice Training Center (1997)
National Drug Pointer Index (1997)
The DEA Survivors Benefit Fund (1998)
Equipment & Safety/Bullet Resistant Vests (1998)
Creation of the 22nd Field Division (1998)
Foreign Offices Opened
Killed in the Line of Duty
DEA's 25th Anniversary

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We would like to gratefully acknowledge the generous contributions of time and information from many past and present DEA employees, too numerous to name individually. Without their support, the publication of this DEA History would not have been possible.
The Attorney General has determined that the publication of this periodical is necessary in the transaction of public business required by law of the Department of Justice.