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For the Classroom


Welcome to the Institute's collection of educational materials developed for classroom use. Please let us know if you have any comments or questions about these resources.

Simulations are educational exercises that provide students the opportunity to "role-play" the concerns of stakeholders interested in a given scenario. This section includes simulations on conflicts in Africa, Colombia, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Northern Ireland.

Teaching Guides
These teaching guides cover a wide range of topics including international terrorism, the U.S. military's role in international peacekeeping, and the U.S. response to the changing nature of international conflict.


Other Institute Resources

National Peace Essay Contest
In the belief that questions about peace, justice, freedom, and security are vital to civic education, the United States Institute of Peace established the National Peace Essay Contest to expand educational opportunities for young Americans.

Peace Agreements
The Peace Agreements Digital Collection, part of the Institute's library, contains the full text of many of the agreements signed by the major contending parties ending inter- and intra-state conflicts worldwide since 1989.

Truth Commissions
The Truth Commissions collection, also a part of the Institute's library, consists of documents relating to bodies which were established to research and report on human rights abuses over a certain period of time in a particular country or in relation to a particular conflict.

The Institute publishes numerous reports concerned with international conflict and its resolution, including Special Reports, Peaceworks, and Virtual Diplomacy Series reports.

The Institute's press publishes books that offer new insights and information to practitioners, scholars, diplomats, and students, among others.

Web Links: Regional and Topical
This section provides a collection of links compiled and annotated by the Institute's library.

Online Journals and Online Research Papers
The Institute's library offers links to selected free online journals and research papers in peace and conflict studies published by other institutions.

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