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Measurement Planning Template v1.0

The definition of a software process is embodied in how a software organization does business, that is, how management and engineering practices are implemented to support software development and or maintenance. This view of software process assumes that an organization has a set of building blocks that defines the general way it does business and that some subset of those building blocks is implemented for each software project.

This report has been developed to address the most obvious issues that arise when tailoring a set of building blocks to the unique aspects of a software project. The report discusses the concept of software processes at the organization and project levels and how these processes are implemented through software development plans. An example is used to show how an organization's standard software process can be tailored and implemented as a project's defined software process. The report presents information on automated tool support for documenting a project's defined software process and providing inputs to a project plan based on the chosen software process.

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•  MS Word file MS Word document [95KB]

Software Metrics Capability Evaluation Guide

In its role as an agent for improving software technology use within the U.S. Air Force, the Software Technology Support Center (STSC) is supporting metrics technology improvement activities for its customers. These activities include: disseminating information regarding the U.S. Air Force Policy on software metrics [AP93M-017], providing metrics information to the public through CrossTalk, conducting customer workshops in software metrics, guiding metrics technology adoption programs at customer locations, researching new and evolving metrics methodologies, etc.

This guide covers the following:

  • It defines a metric capability evaluation method that deals specifically with defining a customer's metrics capability.
  • It presents metrics capability questionnaires that help gather metrics capability data.
  • It outlines a metrics capability evaluation report that provides the basis for developing a metrics customer project plan.
  • It provides a metrics customer profile form used to determine the initial information required to prepare for a metrics capability evaluation.
  • It provides a customer organization form that helps guide the STSC in gathering cultural information about the organization that will help with developing and implementing the metrics customer project plan.

Download Entire Document:
•  MS Word file MS Word document [155KB]


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