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Home > Consulting Services > SW Measurement > Workshop

Measurement Foundation Workshop

Intended For...

Program and project managers, SQA and test teams, and software development team leads

The STSC will travel to the customer's location to conduct the interviews and workshop.

Lead Time
Typical lead time is one to two months, based on availability of the instructors.

Two to three days
Presenter Information

TThe Software Technology Support Center has experienced measurement professionals who have implemented measurement systems. Information on the exact presenter can be obtained by contacting the STSC measurement domain lead.

For Cost & More Information
801/DSN 775-5734
801/DSN 777-4396


Building the Foundation for a Measurement Program:
This workshop is designed to provide a description of concepts and principles for a successful measurement system, real-world examples of how measurements are used, a goal based on method to define measurements, and a measurement adoption process.

Topics addressed include:
• Measurement Systems
• Earned Value (Cost Schedule/Control System Criteria)
• Measurement and the Capability Maturity Model (CMM)
• Selecting Measurements
• Adoption Process

At the Conclusion...
Participants will:
Understand a measurement system and its intended uses
Be prepared to develop a plan of how to implement a measurement program in their organization

Associated Activities and Deliverables
Prior to conducting the workshop, STSC personnel will visit the customer's site to conduct interviews so that the material can be tailored to the organization's specific needs.


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