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Major General David
Petraeus' Remarks

(Note: Includes introduction
by Richard Solomon)

Running Time - 1 hr 5 min · 18M Download*

Q&A; Session
Running Time - 43 min · 12M Download*

*All audio and video available in QuickTime format only.


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Establishing the Rule of Law in Iraq
(Special Report, April 2003)

After Saddam Hussein: Winning a Peace If It Comes to War
(Special Report, February 2003)

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Kirkuk: A Potential Iraq Hot Spot Needs U.S. Attention Now
(Institute Newsbyte, March 2003)

Humanitarian Responses to a War in Iraq
(Summary and Archived Audio)

Sectarian Reconciliation in Post-Conflict Iraq
(Summary and Archived Audio)

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Institute Public Meeting

Security in Iraq
What Works and What Doesn't?

Soldiers in the 1st Battalion, 63rd Armor of V Corps' 1st Infantry Division set up a security perimeter in Kirkuk, Iraq.

(Courtesy: U.S. Army)

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

10:00–11:30 AM

Marriott Washington
1221 22nd Street NW
Washington, D.C.




As the Coalition Provisional Authority prepares to hand over sovereignty to the Iraqis, the security situation in the country remains perilous and erratic. What needs to be done to ensure a safe transfer? What security threats are at work on the ground? On March 23 the Institute's Iraq Working Group sponsored a special public meeting at the Washington Marriott on "Security in Iraq: What Works and What Doesn't?"

Moderated by Daniel Serwer, director of peace and stability operations at the Institute, the session featured remarks by Major General David Petraeus, commanding general of the U.S. Army's 101st Airborne Division. The meeting explored topics including issues such as:

  • Will Iraq's unity hold?

  • How will the choice of an interim Iraqi governing authority affect the security situation?

  • What should we expect as the time for the transfer of sovereignty approaches?


  • Major General David Petraeus
    Commanding General, 101st Airborne Division, U.S. Army


  • Daniel Serwer
    Director, Peace and Stability Operations, U.S. Institute of Peace




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