NAL GPO Depository Library Activities -- FAQ

Frequently asked questions about the National Agricultural Library's participation in the Federal Depository Library Program

What is the Federal Depository Library Program?
The Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) is operated by the Government Printing Office (GPO) and its partnership network of private, state, and Federal libraries located throughout the United States and its Territories. This network of libraries, each staffed by professional librarians knowledgeable about Government information, provides a Government information infrastructure for the nation. Depository libraries serve the American public by providing local, no-fee access to Federal Government information. NAL's collection has been enhanced over the years (since 1895) by the thousands of federal agency publications sent by GPO to the collection. The documents collected support the missions of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the NAL itself. By participating in the program, NAL is obligated to provide on-site users with free access to the depository publications in the collection.

Where is the NAL government documents collection?
Government documents received through the GPO/Federal Depository Library Program come in three forms:

PRINT materials are fully cataloged and assigned LC classification call numbers. They are shelved throughout the NAL collection in the general stacks. Searching ISIS and AGRICOLA will give the locations of these publications.

MICROFICHE materials are filed by Superintendent of Documents number in under the call number Fiche S-133. For example, the Farmer's Bulletins in microfiche can be found at the following call number: Fiche S-133 A 1.9:[the bulletin number].

ELECTRONIC materials are fully cataloged. Searching ISIS will give thelocation of specific electronic publications.

Where do I go for help with government documents?
Because the GPO depository documents are integrated into the NAL collection, the responsibilities for handling the depository collection are similarly distributed throughout the staff of NAL.

For reference assistance, contact the Information Research Services Branch staff, or the appropriate Information Center. The telephone number for reference is (301)504-5479. Email address is For on-site users, the Service Desk is located in the on the first floor of NAL.

For photocopy or loan of depository documents, contact the Document Delivery Services Branch (DDSB). DDSB can be reached at (301)504-5755. Email address is For on-site users, you may speak to the staff at the Service Desk in the NAL lobby.

Selection of GPO depository material is handled by the Acquisitions & Serials Branch. For information on NAL's profile of selections with GPO, contact the Acquisitions & Serials Branch. (301)504-5938 or (301)504-6806

How are government documents selected for the NAL collection?
GPO maintains a profile of selected items for each of its depository libraries. Additions to NAL's profile can only be made during the normal selection update process which opens at the beginning of June and closes at the end of July. The changes are effective at the beginning of October. Deletions to NAL's profile can be made at any time. NAL selects about 38% of what GPO offers to depository libraries. Selections include all the the "A" classification (U.S. Department of Agriculture publications), and the publications of other government agencies which fit the NAL collection development policy.

How can I tell if NAL selects a particular government publication from GPO?
Selection profiles for depository libraries are arranged by GPO item numbers. If you know the item number of the publication, you can search GPO's Item Lister by depository library number (NAL's is 0092). The Item Lister will give the item numbers and follow them with either a "Y" or an "N" depending on whether it is selected by the library.

If you don't know the item number of the publication, you can find them listed in the List of Classes of United States Government Publications Available for Selection by Depository Libraries. OCLC records processed by GPO also include the SuDoc number (in the MARC 086 field) and the Item Number (in the MARC 074 field).

Does NAL provide access to GPO's electronic database services ?
Yes. NAL provides web access to GPO Access, the Federal Bulletin Board, STAT-USA and other government databases in the Electronic Information Service Center located to the right of the main entrance.

GPO Access is an electronic service that provides access to a growing list of databases including full text and graphics.

The Federal Bulletin Board service enables Federal agencies to provide the public with immediate, self-service access to Government information in electronic form. The publications are from a wide range of agencies in all three branches (Legislative, Judicial, and Executive) of the U.S. Government. A wide variety of subjects are covered, including GATT, NAFTA, health care reform, and more.

STAT-USA is produced by the Economics and Statistics Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce. This service brings together current business and economic information from over 50 Federal agencies, including the National Trade Data Bank; the National Economic, Social and Environmental Data Bank; and the Economic Bulletin Board.

Last updated April 14, 2003.

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